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Sea Hare Rental


NJRC Member
I have a friend with a long spine sea orchid that he wanted to give me around a month ago!! I can ask if still have and you can keep it for yourself!!


NJRC Member
I tried to rent out a Sea Hare way back here on NJRC. The first renter, managed to kill it with a rock slide. (So it goes...) If anyone who rents them out wants coverage on the return of their Hare, they should consider requiring a deposit for the rental. (I didn't, but my loss was less important to me than my having to put a hungry Hare back into my system, lacking having enough algae to feed it.)

Aside Note: In my previous ownership of a Sea Hare, I managed to run out of Hair Algae. I managed to keep it going by feeding it Hair Algae from my pond! (The Hare would even let me hand feed it this pond algae!)


NJRC Member
I have a friend with a long spine sea orchid that he wanted to give me around a month ago!! I can ask if still have and you can keep it for yourself!!
This is the first time I've seen a Diadema Urchin referred to as an "orchid". But this is apparently both correct and valid, per a Google Search on "long spine sea orchid". Thanks for the enlightenment!

I have two very large Diademas, if anyone would like to rent one! ( :) ) But I can't promise that either will eat all of your hair algae.