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Shluzer's 120

I agree, they are too close. I tried to move them close to LED (I have single 200W). And in the middle - that RBTA.
I guess I'll need another LED light.
Main problem now- green algae. Most probable cause - dead fish caused spike in nitrates (nutrition). Did a water change, upped the skimmer. So far not better. I've expected my small lawnmower blenny to eat green algae, but he does not make a difference.
Got sea hare to deal with hair ('hare') algae. So far can't tell if it works. Hare likes to be on the wall and not on the 'hairy' rocks.
Black dwarf sea hare with blue spots died for some reason. It was not a 'voracious eater' as others describe hares. I would say it was 'stupid' eater, looked like it could not find food. Probably was too stressed with the transition from his home to LFS to my tank, and probably was dying anyway. Some people posted on web that these could also be stung to death by anemones, not sure if it is true. So here is the proof, still looks cool, but no life.
The good news, I got a new hare, thru loan-a-hare program (on Chain-gang forum), from Chris.
This one started to 'work' the very second I hand-placed him on a 'hary' rock.

and couple videos
[video]http://s1044.photobucket.com/albums/b449/Shluzer/sea hare/?action=view&current=00002.mp4[/video]
[video]http://s1044.photobucket.com/albums/b449/Shluzer/sea hare/?action=view&current=00000.mp4[/video]
Try putting a brand new frag disc in the tank with the LEDs on and set the white balance focused on the frag disc on your camera that should help with your pictures not being so blue .....
Gobies vs Brisle sea star

After couple small gobies (and 1 lawnmower blenny) had dissapeared, I think they are too easy of a target for a large bristle sea star.
I like gobies, but my sea star is more fun than gobies and it was with me for years.

Have this been similar experience for any of you? or are there gobies that can stand up to a bristle sea star?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
From looking at your pictures it appears you have a green brittle star, if so, no fish will be safe from it. Those things are voracious predators and will eat anything they can catch. They are the most voracious/aggressive species of brittle star there is. No to mention one of the largest, reaching sizes of well over a foot across.

They have been know to take out everything from gobies to clowns and even tangs on occasion.

A few links with info on them:
I have small 6 line wrasse and mandarine , both about 2" long, and they are OK. They've been in the tank for about 6 months.
Also small male clown (also about 2.5"). they are OK. But new additions (gobies and small blenny) have dissapeared.
I'll watch the star closely (and try not to buy small fish anymore).
Your new sea hare looks like the one I employed when I cleared out the algea from my old 120 a few years back. He had the tank spakling in just a couple of weeks! But starved within a week so after it was clean and would not accept nori sheets. Be awear of that as they are quite a bio load!
The sea hare is no more, it tried to go in the same corner and did not eat HA, which I still have plenty of, I guess something bothered him.
I never saw his poop (some people say they siphon it out to prevent it cycling back).
HA is receeding though, I'm doing weekly WC with plucker.
I suspect HA outbreak was due to a death of blue linkia star, I never found it.