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should we have a forum about "how to" frag fargs?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I think the general discussion forum is an appropriate place for a thread on fraging. Or maybe when we get the home page up we can do a FAQ on it.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Yeah, I don't see the need for a fragging forum, but a thread is a good idea.


NJRC Member
what i meant is:

we could have a "thread" to go and see about how to frag all different type/kind of corals (only)

- not all type jam into "one link".
- not mix with other discusion links



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'm afraid I don't really see the value in a whole forum dedicated to the topic. There's only so much you can talk on the subject.

Our new home page will allow us to have FAQs area and we could have a set of topics in the FAQs on fragging various coral types. I would love for people to volunteer to write these articles for the home page content! That would be a great value add to the content.
I'm game for writing some articles (but probably not the fragging ones).

Any idea when the new home page will be ready for articles?



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If you start writing/submitting them I'll get them in-line. Don't wait!


NJRC Member
Phyl said:
Our new home page will allow us to have FAQs area and we could have a set of topics in the FAQs on fragging various coral types...

this is something i am looking for...
thx :)
I'd love to see a section of the site dedicated to IDing corals and inverts. I'm involved in a site called Bambooweb.info. We have over 3600 uploaded photos of 440 of the 1,500 or so varieties. People upload their pitcures to the database and others can search and ID bamboos and also see how they grow, max diameter, and max height, in different areas of the country (and world).

Here's my stuff:

We could also show how corals respond to different conditions such as 10k vs 14k, etc.