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So a little hope in a series of misfortune

So lately my tanks been having trouble... Fish dieing ... Fish vanishing, issues with the skimmer, and algae and bacteria blooms. A lot of this I chalk up to the tank being new and finding its rhythm, how ever a constant threw out all this has been over all decent water chemistry a few nitrate spikes I believe related to feeding heavily but mostly good consistent chemistry. I figured with all this happening in the tank it was time to throttle back and let the tank settle into a rhythm a stabilize for a bit but today when I got up and checked the tank I had a wonderful surprise one of my two rainbow bubble tip anemones has reproduced ! I believe the accurate term would be split but regardless the were there was 2 there is now 3! :dance:

These bubble tips were small about the size of a 50 cent piece so I hadn't expected much from them for a while figuring they were to young but hey I am not complaining the new Nems are roughly the size of a quarter or slightly bigger and look healthy and happy.
So does this mean I must be doing something right?


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Smaller nems will split and start to spread out in an effort to survive.
Stop everything atm and give the tank a 24 hour chill out.
Add nothing to tank, livestock or chemical.
Then do a full water chem profile (Ca, PH, Mg, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, etc).
The big, and more expensive kits, do the big stuff - Calcium, Magnesium, Alkalinity.
The small API kits, or even dipsticks, will tell you what, at least, your ammonia is at.
See if anything is off.
IF anything is off, do a big water change of 20%+, heck, do it regardless.
Don't blast the tank with chemicals, just keep up with big water changes, 20% twice a week is enough to wipe out most concerns.
So your saying,my anemones reproduced because they were stressed not because they were healthy ??? Because they look healthy in fact they look very healthy.
As for the water chemistry will be doing another water change on tuesday partly because I just did a 1/3 water change 2 days ago and also because I dont have enough cash at the moment to buy more salt. I will say that Friday I did a complete profile test of the tank and my results were as follows.
calcium 450 ppm
Alk 12 doh
pH 8
Nitrate .25 ppm,
Phosphate .15-.2
Magnesium 1350 ppm
Potassium 360 ppm
Ammonia almost undectecable
Iodine .08 ppm
Iron trace amount
Note this testwas done about 2 hours after feeding
I dont,have a current,test kit for ammonia I ran out of my original ammonia test.

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
They can split due to over feeding, stress, off parameters, new tank or when they reach a certain size. If splitting happens again in a few months then there is a problem
12 dkh is a little on the high side for a mixed reef. High alk like that is for like sps grow out tanks. Most people keep it around 7 to 9 if your dosing alk I would lower it.

Agree 12 is very high, in fact higher than I’ve ever seen for an SPS tank. Most SPS tanks have low nutrient levels and with that you want a lower alk level, I find most people run their SPS dominant systems at 7.7-8.5 depending on a few other factors.

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Really cause according to the test kit that's right with in the range it should be. Anyways I appreciate all the feed back its been helpful but playing both sides here I have one argument .. Understanding anemones split for many reasons is it not possible for it to split just because it wanted to and was healthy my argument is this anemones and coral are very sensitive to water chemistry and yes fish have died in my tank the coral and other anemones are very healthy showing no signs of stress or sickness. Being that these creatures are sensitive and usually more so then fish shouldn't they be sick?? Also on another note about the chemistry regarding,12 dkh there was once wise words said multiple times were you shouldn't chase numbers if the tank and coral look good the phrase was leave it alone so prehapes 12 is fine for my tank an corals just a thought? Regardless I still plan on a water change
NSW has a KH of 7-8 dHK. I've had more problems with high ALK than low and in my opinion 12dHK is on the verge of disaster. Curious what test kit that says 12dHK is within range

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
I have a mix reef (small one) and I aim for around 9dHK (can't say if that right or wrong just the number I am aiming for). As said above 12 is high. You are correct you shouldn't chase numbers but that more on the lines don't go for perfect but go stable. For example if your fighting for a pH (which is one of the most chase after number) of 8.0 but you keep getting 7.8/7.9 then I would say as long as your tank doing good and staying around 7.8/7.9 then don't chase for the 8.0

I'm with @joe b on what kit are you using? I have used a couple of kits and if I recall correctly they say SPS should be around 10/11dKH and softies/LPS 7/8dHK
Youll find several salt brands that mix at 12 dkh or higher. 12 dkh has been thought to be within the acceptable range for an sps tank but as others have said higher alk levels are hought to give issues at lower nutrient levels. High alk can allow corals to form their skeletons faster but low nutrients limit tissue formation and it cant keep up... burnt tips. What is your nitrate and phosphate at?

Alk stability is very important. Avoid large swings (> 1 to 0.5 dkh in one day). A lot of folks keep their dkh in the 7.5 to 10 range these days. I try to run around 8. Bringing frags into 12 from lower alkalinity levels could shock them.

Id let you alk come down very slowly to 10 dkh or lower. Once it gets where you want it keep it stable for several weeks and see you your tank reacts.

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