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So Aggrevated! Thinking about going Bare Bottomed!

Do you test for Si? I don't know how it would get in there but cyano lives on that it so that could be a part of your problem. Like I said my tank looked like crap but with water changes and hanging a bag of phos and Si remover that has taken care of the problem. Plus I have bumped up the flow and kept the temp a bit cooler then it was running in the summer when I set up the tank.

I don't have much hair algae by the way, a little but I hate the caulerpa algae and I have some fern like algae ... very light honestly not sure what the heck it is but invasive so I try to pluck it out.
No, I've never tested for silicates. I guess I could try that...

As far as flow, I've probably got too much in most areas. Hard to get it where it's all getting hit just right. I've got 2 powerheads in the tank now ::)

Adding a 3rd....ugh...
How's your battle with the cyano going? Hopefully you've won the battle. :)

Here is my update. Once I removed most of the ricordea that I was waiting to attach to rubble, I was able to increase flow in that area. Voila!! Cyano gone! ;D
I'm sure this is not the cure all for everyone's cyano problems, but in my case that was the solution.



Good to hear!

Mine has gone away too, for the most part. I didn't do anything with the flow, but as weird as this may sound... I shut the lights off for 1 day, then next day let it go for 4 hours, then slowly increased it by 1 hour each other day and it's pretty much gone.

??? Don't know, don't care ;D