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Sobo's Fluval Evo

Sand and Rock are in, now just to wait for the water to clear up!

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Went to the store earlier and bought a Hydor Evo nano powerhead and the Tunze 3155 ATO. The powerhead will probably be replaced with something else down the line but it's doing its job for now. Also the return pump is probably gonna be swapped out as well. Need more flow.

The Tunze will fit into the middle chamber so I'll more than likely remove the foam media basket and put it there. I'll put a bag of carbon or whatnot below it probably.

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Is there anything else I can use in the house to start a cycle? I don't feel like going to the market for 1 table shrimp at the moment lol

In other news... the tank is clearing up... still slightly cloudy but you get the idea

Another side note... it's pointless to run my skimmer right now right? I haven't turned it on but I was just curious.

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Got my ATO hooked up!!! I also cut a hole through the middle wall to conceal all the wires. I'm gonna order some wire organizers on amazon for the back of the tank. I could careless what the inside of the cabinet looks like since it's covered by and door.

I had to take the media basket out to make room for the float switches. By doing that I created a giant cloud in my tank but no biggie.

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So while I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my ATO and why it's not working, I'm browsing for a new powerhead. I bought that hydor nano one but between that and the stock pump there's just not enough flow. Someone recommended this powerhead but I forget who... Current USA 6000 660 GPH eFlux Wave Pump Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M8L2YF2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_4QmdzbYA8KBWG
Has anyone ever used this??

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Back to my question about that Current Wave Pump... does anyone have it and what do you think?

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Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Got my ATO problem figured out.. cut back some of the tube and worked flawlessly.. and the pump quieted down too. I guess it just needed to prime itself up! [emoji4]

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Sounds like there was a syphon...glad it's working now
Just bought a PP4... couldn't help it. It's basically the same size as the Current powerhead with all the same abilities and less than have the cost($51 on amazon with prime). Yeah I have to wait a few extra days because they're outta stock but oh well. Jebao's never done me wrong in the past

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This is a total noob question but I can't remember lol do you add a CUC before or after a cycle?

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