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Some days it just isn't worth it.


NJRC Member
Looks like my new angelfish has velvet. Not sure how best to proceed. Would prefer not to take apart the tank to remove the 4 fish and stick in quarantine for a few months. Treating in the FOWLR tank seems an option, but an expensive and not very good one. Kind of makes me want to give up. Corals...no problem...inverts...sure! Fish? F&^K!


NJRC Member
Best of luck..
I'd say, QT what you have, go FOWLR with elevated temperatures..
I know humblefish's guidance says you can expedite the ICH life cycle stage with higher temps but I don't believe that is for velvet, doesnt hurt though


NJRC Member
I've learned some time ago to stick with inexpensive hardy fish at fist- never had any disease in my 6 tanks ( all but 3 given away- only running 2 now- 40B up for grabs ) thought fish had flukes once and treated for them- I've made big mistakes on coral though, jumped the gun- lost corals and wasted money- lessons learned the hard way for me- slow and steady- and I get what I can from fellow reefers- less likely to have problems or lose the fish/coral


NJRC Member
In this hobby I learned you need to be patient.
you have to setup qt tank. If you don’t have space for a qt tank. Then you need
to spend more money for fish and get it from a trusted source, getting a $10 frag
Can be the most expensive decision. I don’t really get new fish. It took me years to get the stock of fish I have now.

Make sure the lfs you buy your fish from date when the fish has arrived.
if you see a fish that been sitting in copper for a few weeks and is eating then you will have a better chance of getting a healthy fish.
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NJRC Member
maybe ask an LFS if they are willing to treat them for you. Good fallow, setup a qt to reintroduce.... Or just give the fish away, go corals only for a while ( I found dosing phyto to be good enough for most corals without fish) and start over again with the fish stocking when you're more into it


NJRC Member
Thanks guys.
All fish were from two stores, both had had them for weeks to a month. Except the last one. That one I bought online. It was such a good deal too. Ha.

I spent some time researching and talking and ultimately decided to yank out all the rock and put it in a Rubbermaid for 6 weeks so the parasites can die. The dt is now the qt and treated with copper. Before that treatment I took the Emporer out and gave him a peroxide bath. It seemed to help.

tomorrow I’m going to go get some pvc pipe so at least the fish have a place to hide and such.
What a pain. Two tanks. Two totally different diseases.


NJRC Member
You should never put copper in your main tank.
That’s a really bad idea. Cooper kills everything and it’s also impossible to remove.
Corals/inverts fish die when copper is present.

best practice would be to get a 20 gallon tank and use that as a qt. You can get rid of that tank when you are done adding fish.


NJRC Member
So, quick update:

Angel is still alive...but looks worse than ever. I've been giving him peroxide baths every day. They seem to help a little.

Funny story...it doesn't seem to like to be alone when it's sick. It keeps laying on top of my other fish when they bed down. The puffer mostly. Which is adorable, and probably a really good way to transmit the parasite. ;-)

Another funny story:

Monday I added enough Fritz Coppersafe to bring the tank to roughly 2.0 PPM. I say roughly because there is a little sand in there to absorb, and my sump is of unknown capacity. But, I'm guessing roughly 100 gallons all said and done.

Then, I changed out 5 gallons of water to suck the detritus from the sandbed.

Then I realize I need to add more copper. I do so over the tank, and of course...because it's me...the cap falls off and a bunch dumps in. I freak out and change 10 gallons of water...which seems like a lot, but not a lot at the same time.

I start calling around and posting around for a copper tester, but nobody has one. Amazon has one on the way, scheduled to arrive on Friday.

Finally, today, Reefco opens up and I buy the tester.

Come home and test.

Copper @ 2.46. Whew

All other fish looking fine.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
So, quick update:

Angel is still alive...but looks worse than ever. I've been giving him peroxide baths every day. They seem to help a little.

Funny story...it doesn't seem to like to be alone when it's sick. It keeps laying on top of my other fish when they bed down. The puffer mostly. Which is adorable, and probably a really good way to transmit the parasite. ;-)

Another funny story:

Monday I added enough Fritz Coppersafe to bring the tank to roughly 2.0 PPM. I say roughly because there is a little sand in there to absorb, and my sump is of unknown capacity. But, I'm guessing roughly 100 gallons all said and done.

Then, I changed out 5 gallons of water to suck the detritus from the sandbed.

Then I realize I need to add more copper. I do so over the tank, and of course...because it's me...the cap falls off and a bunch dumps in. I freak out and change 10 gallons of water...which seems like a lot, but not a lot at the same time.

I start calling around and posting around for a copper tester, but nobody has one. Amazon has one on the way, scheduled to arrive on Friday.

Finally, today, Reefco opens up and I buy the tester.

Come home and test.

Copper @ 2.46. Whew

All other fish looking fine.
Been there with other stuff over tank or sump. Learned the hard way not to do that anymore.