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Something weird going on


Vice President
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NJRC Member
Temp is at 77 degrees this morning.
It looks like the salt from the prepackaged SW did not completely dissolve. The tank s bare bottom and I see white.
Don't have a small power head to circulate. My Koriala would be way to big for it.
Any suggestions?


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NJRC Member
No fish. They actually seem okay just some corals look horrible. Waiting for tank to stabilize a bit before moving corals. Temp seems to low so increased it a bit.
I agree maybe add power head to dissolve then remove. Hopefully at noon I can start the transfer.


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If I need 200w for my tank I use 2 100w.
Set them at 78.
If one blows the other will be enough to keep tank warm enough.
If one goes nuts the other turns off and it wont be enough to burn out the tank.
If both go I'm screwed.


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Its only a 10g tank so a 100w heater should work.
My 50w heater would heat it up to 76 easily, guess I will go dig that out and try it.


Vice President
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NJRC Member
Thanks Marcus but no reef funds currently, maybe when I get my tax return in few weeks...LOL I think the 200w Visi-Therm heater is broken. Cranked to 88 over night and never moved the thermometer so removed it. I threw in a 25w Elite heater as I know in the past this brought the 10g to 78.


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NJRC Member
List my purple millie, birds best not getting well either. I moved the corals that are doing poorly into the 10g along with RBTA.


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