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SPS turning white ,, don't know why?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Unfortunately parameters is not everything otherwise we would all have the perfect tank. What works for one does not work for another. I noticed your Phosphate is zero. What fish and how much do you feed? What method do you use for nutrient export? The hammers do not look too happy either so maybe your corals are starving.
I think he said his phos is 0 because he hasn't checked it lately. But you are correct if it is 0. Too clean and alk would cause the white.

Did another coral ever fall on it? It the rest of the coral shading the light from hitting that part the same as the rest? It there more flow on that part of the coral?
Whenever I have a "head scratcher", I start with the basics. Are you sure you have 0 TDS in your RO/DI water? Following good practices when making up your WC water? Have you made any changes lately, i.e. salt mix, etc. Make sure all tests, i.e. kits/devices are working properly, i.e. proper calibration for refractometers, probes(particularly pH if you're running a CaRx), etc. Test kit reagents not out of date, even the best test kits can have a bad batch of reagent, so it might be prudent to get another opinion here. All equipment in good working order, i.e. skimmer, etc. If all the above is good, you might check for local competition from adjacent corals, i.e. sweepers, allelopathy (GAC will help with this). Nutrition is another possibility, so you might try feeding a little more and look for a difference over time(depending on the severity it may be reversed[color returning]).
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@horseplay mikem was right I ran out of reagents for phos, I just tested them last night and my checker read .14ppb and I feed corals 2-3 times a week and for my hammers they are open fully just not when I took picture I had a power outage and had to reset my lights. Thanks for the input!
@downbeach thank you for giving your advice, I Appreciate it,,,, So I always change my water every 2 weeks and my Tds meter reads zero, also I have recently just changed my filters on RODI 2-3 months ago. I will check my reagents but I think they are good as Hanna had a recall on lot numbers and they sent me replacements for alkalinity but I will dbl check,,,,as for equipment everything is working great,, my skimmer is cleaned 2 times a week and filter sock as needed,, i will feed a little more and see what happens..........thank you for the Advice
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So this morning all polyps are out of my pocapora and nothing else seems to have turned white from yesterday, I'm guessing maybe the coral dip helped? I will see how the day goes and hope it stays like this before I decide to frag it
How much flow do you have in the tank. What pumps and what size tank. those two species die from the center out without enough flow due to their dense growth structure
I have a 90 gallon with 2 mp40's and a wp25, my return pump is a marine Aqua Dc 9000 and as I am typing this I am looking at the movement of pocapora and it seems to have more than enough flow moving through it @saltkreep88