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Starving Fang Blenny - Suggestions Please??

We have a new Fang Blenny, about 5 days now. She's beautiful, about 2.5", very active and picks at the rock only once in a while. She's been ignoring flake, mysis, chopped clams...you name it. She's not big to begin with, but now this morning she looks almost inverted under her belly. This time when I put a small amount of flake in she went to her hiding place to avoid it completely, usually she watches the feedings but doesn't participate. She's so little, I'm afraid she's going to starve - does anyone have any tricks up their sleeves that might help? :confusion:


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
another possibility that you can try if the blenny stays in one place hiding during the feedings, it worked for my mandy, i mixed brine shrimp, mysis, cyclopes (if i'm spelling it correctly) and bloodworms together, all frozen/thawed, kill all the pumps, squirt some in for the waiting hungry fish and then pile some up in front of the fish. after about 2-3 days the mandy started pecking, after a week i could see him visibly eating everything he was getting fed. I still do the same for him now, just not as large of a pile as i made in the beginning, and now its the shrimp, mysis, bloodworms and clam.
Thank you, thank you. We have some chopped clams soaking in garlic now, we'll see. I think a big part is that she was new to the pet store when we got her. I also wonder if she's wild caught, not aqua cultured. She's not shy, definitely curious, seems intrigued/confused when there's food, just not eating yet. Fingers crossed that she settles in. We're breaking down our other tank tomorrow and transferring our other fish into this tank - our Purple Tang is a straight up thug, so we wanted to give the newbies a chance to be in the new tank first.
Garlic works well and I have also used live brine shrimp in the past just to get them to start to eat and then when they are eating regularly I introduce them to frozen food, flakes, pellets, or anything else. The blenny that you got is probably wild unless it said ORA next to the tag. I hope everything works out for you
The blenny that you got is probably wild unless it said ORA next to the tag.

I agree about it being wildcaught. Still not eating, she looks curious & confused when it's feeding time. Like she just doesn't get the sudden appearance of all this free food. We put some more mature live rock in the tank to see if it gives her more to pick at. She's not very big, so I imagine it's been a bumpy ride recently. I have Nemo-Guilt now. :( Thanks for the help!

And yes, she's a she. Her name is Lola. ;)