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Stomatella snails

Hey you all, I was doing my nightly tank look over when I saw something moving on my rock. It looked like a snail with a flat shell, I went to Google images and searched flat shell snail and saw a stomatella snail. Looks exactly like the one creeping around in my tank. Has anyone experienced these little guys before? Should I keep him? Thanks Meghann


NJRC Member
Stomatellas are a really neat critter to have in your tank. They reproduce nicely. (However, you can't keep them with hermit crabs or other crustaceans.)

For more info on them, suggest you link-up with Dr. Ron Shimek's Invertebrates; Morphology, Ecology, and Behavior forum (http://forum.marinedepot.com/Forum11.aspx) and do a search for them...
I have tons of them in my tank. Like it was said above they reproduce great. I find I have no problems with the hermits though. Maybe they just reproduce quick enough to keep up. Between them and the colonista snails that hitch hiked in I have a nice fat thriving CUC. I have yet to replenish my original CUC and never see a need to.
Thanks for the info, I do have zebra and blue leg dwarf hermits. I actually just saw this critter cruising my front glass when I turned on the lights. No one has seemed to bother him yet, I wish him the best of luck. He is really neat :)