I am a newbie looking for some help. I am not really a DIYer but am willing to give it a try. Anyway, here goes. I am going to attempt to build a sump/fuge out of a 29g. tank( 30x12x18H). How thick should the glass for my baffles be? Is 1/4" sufficient? Also, how far apart should they be spaced? Is there any way to determine what size to make my individual compartments? I really like Rich T's design that feeds the fuge right from the skimmer output. Rich, Can you tell me what brand of skimmer that is? I have a Magdrive 7 that I would like to use as my return pump. Will this be o.k.? That's all I can think of right now. I'm sure that I will have more questions before it's over. Thanks for any help.