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Sunday Frag Clean Out

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Bandito Aquatics

NJRC Member
So I bought to many corals and now some need to go. People need to get gifts lol.
Good evening fellow reefers

Let’s begin

  1. Nuclear death paly 5pp -10604D466A-9436-42B9-9995-1C30AA776F05.jpeg
  2. Neon xl neptha - 45 604D466A-9436-42B9-9995-1C30AA776F05.jpeg
  3. Mystery Lobo -45DAB3A248-DD3B-40B7-9117-D9850311407E.jpeg
  4. 2 HeadHammer -3542F5F9F5-E15D-40CC-B047-22FDB1EC7BF6.jpeg
  5. Neon Green Scoly- 45 F46027AC-AC28-49E4-B27C-AB0265401373.jpeg
  6. XL Greenish blue mouth chalice - 50 D01F81C1-7E3F-4A13-AB14-FEC33661DCE6.jpeg
  7. Neon Toadstool leather- 25 6E36CF1A-9EF5-4DDA-914F-3D4C30BB709E.jpeg
  8. JB Mushroom- 200 939AC362-5F75-4F9F-ACE5-F9421444F28A.jpeg
  9. Bounce Mushroom (Halloween bounce )-15080F01BAA-3DBE-491E-A189-78DBF1FE0D2B.jpeg
  10. XL Carpet Anemone - open of offers
  11. 81CFE7D8-6DBC-4375-94BD-3CA45BD1B4C5.jpeg

Cross posted on Manhattan Reef for fast reply text(5514047608) me can meet in 07093 or near manhattan aquarium.
So I bought to many corals and now some need to go. People need to get gifts lol.
Good evening fellow reefers

Let’s begin

  1. Nuclear death paly 5pp -10View attachment 26436
  2. Neon xl neptha - 45 View attachment 26436
  3. Mystery Lobo -45View attachment 26437
  4. 2 HeadHammer -35View attachment 26439
  5. Neon Green Scoly- 45 View attachment 26435
  6. XL Greenish blue mouth chalice - 50 View attachment 26432
  7. Neon Toadstool leather- 25 View attachment 26438
  8. JB Mushroom- 200 View attachment 26434
  9. Bounce Mushroom (Halloween bounce )-150View attachment 26433
  10. XL Carpet Anemone - open of offers
  11. View attachment 26431

Cross posted on Manhattan Reef for fast reply text(5514047608) me can meet in 07093 or near manhattan aquarium.

Do you still have the carpet, and if so, how much?
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