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Sunny's 350G build (was 150)


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I would go with the ATI+ Purple. Dnov99 ran those in conjunction with his Sol Blues and they really added to the color of the fish and corals. With the magenta stunner strips, you might want to go with an actinic bulb if you fell you have enough "red" coming through. The blue+ is a great 14k bulb and really adds some nice blue and great PAR.
Not to hijack the thread but I'm also playing around with supplementing my Apollo leds with a pair of t5s. I've started with a ati purple+ and a blue+. The purple+ plus does have a very noticeable effect. My wrasses and anthias really pop under that bulb. I have a couple of other bulbs that im going to play around with for the second bulb and tweak the blue and white ratios on my leds.
Sorry we hijacked your thread sunny as you are only person who's tank i've seen that did this for any length of time I kinda hold you responsible for writing the the Faq on the SunnyLED+T5 methodology (sp)



Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
I am actually thinking of supplementing my fixture with T5s too haha, I'm thinking of using 4 bulbs. 2 ATI True Actinic, ATI Purple Plus and ATI Coral Plus.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Sorry folks, I have been very busy with work lately and was also under the weather for a couple of days.

NP Tri, all topics are open here.

I actually experimented with a few combinations of T5. I liked the blue plus with Fiji Purple the best. ATI purple plus is supposedly the same wavelength but I liked KZ fiji purple better. I also like pure actinic just for looks. However I did have the space to put 4 bulbs so I added on pure actinic.

If you only have an option for 2, I will go with blue plus and fiji purple.



NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Time for a tank update

The corals are getting used to the new lights and some seem much happier than before.
A couple of my larger colonies did not do well for first 2 weeks. However they are all responding well now.

The bigger issue is, yes FISH.

The male Bellus has turned into a real bully :mad: He chases the female Bellus and does not relent. He is now chasing my Male Watanabie also. NOT HAPPY. :lipsrsealed:

You wouldn't think the color change would make a difference... I had some chasing and flashing start up when I added some t5s to my LED's.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
It could me, never thought of it. I know they are all settling well now. ..


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Here is my new favorite in the tank.


Looks great! Mine is doing good, eating algae with the the tangs. My little one is not eating so well. The one I got with you. My purple bullies the little guy some times.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
First month tank update under Fathom LED

Most of the corals in the tank have so far responded well. Things that I must mention are :-

1. In first 2 weeks my ALK utilization dropped. This was attributed to the corals not using enough of it. Why? I am attributing it to the new lights as corals were getting used to the new lights and also a stupid mistake on my part. We took par measurements with AI and T5 on my tank. When the fathom LED went up we took par readings again. I set the same light period with fathom with same par as with AI and T5 combo and in night when T5 were off I matched AI par.

What I did not realize is that T5 emit 360 degree par and it is well dispersed. The LED units be it AI or Fathom or any other one have 40 degree to 90 degree optics. So it is more of a spot light.

The result was that the two corners next to my overflows have 3 lights converge the par like a spot light if you will. The par was 550 what it should be but it was directed. In each corner I had one coral colony and they started showing some signs of distress.

Luckily, the pH probe works :) and APex said my pH was 8.35. This prompted me to check ALK and ALK was higher than normal. I took measures to control it and lower the light percentage and was able to save a good part of the two corals.

2. Obviously, the question is which two corals. One was pearlberry and other one was a green slimer. So no frags for these two for a while for anyone - LOL.

3. All montis look a lot happier now. The Elegance corals opens as usual. No change for Clams and they look happy. My Garf Purple Boansi looks very happy.

4. One coral that did not like the new lights is ORA hawkins echinata. I am still trying to understand why. I will try and change the location and see how it goes.

After 2 weeks I have my mag , ca and alk stable again.

Sounds like everything is coming along nicely minus the Hawkins of course. Good to hear. Keeping my ears open for every update with these lights.