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Sunny's 600 Gallon Build


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
You amaze me, my friend.
Despite your negativity, knew you were getting back into it someday.
Didn't think it would be this quick, but I'm not really surprised (though I had no bloody clue you'd be opening your own aquarium this time around).
Seriously happy to see this going down, the few occasions I saw your old tank left me awestruck, can't imagine what this endeavor will result in.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
You amaze me, my friend.
Despite your negativity, knew you were getting back into it someday.
Didn't think it would be this quick, but I'm not really surprised (though I had no bloody clue you'd be opening your own aquarium this time around).
Seriously happy to see this going down, the few occasions I saw your old tank left me awestruck, can't imagine what this endeavor will result in.

@Mark_C thanks dude. I missed the hobby. Although, I blame it on @diana a. She went back in time and found the pics of my tank and then posed them on one of the threads. When I looked at them I realized what I had. Then came in @ecambero who was already on my case to get back in the bobby. He suggested I get a 180G and restart.

That night I came home and thought go big or go home. Here I am. It is coming.