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Super important pump question

So I need some input here. I have a couple more days to figure this out before the PA buy ends. I am going with a external pump for my 180G and need some opinions.

I am currently crossed between the:
PanWorld NH-150PS

and the

PanWorld NH-200PS

Here is what I know about my system. It is a 180G Reef ready tank with 2 overflows capable of handeling 600GPH each. The sump and all filtration is in the basement and my estimate is that the total head will be about 13'-14'. I plan on using a single 1" flexable PVC line from the pump to the middle of the tank stand where the flow will be split via a "T" into two 3/4" vinyl tubes to the returns. Each 3/4" line will have a ball valve attached just in case they are needed.

I know little and less about headloss and looking at those flow charts just makes my head hurt. I have never been able to understand this stuff and any and all suggestions are welcome. I had planned on going with the BlueLine versions of each pump which are identicle but PA has these so PanWorld it is. Thank you in advance.

The watts seem excessive...I'd go Syncra...my Syncra 12 at 165watts goes from my basement to my 180 upstairs and still feeds my gfo/carbon brs reactor as well as my fuge. Can be run external or internal. In 4 years you would save enough to buy another pump.


NJRC Member
I had a Panworld pump back in the day and it died after a few years. granted any of these pumps can die at anytime. I recently switched to a BlueLine 55 HD from Champion so far I like it alot. Best part about is if I had to I could drive to Champion for a replacement.
As far as I read TH blue line and panworld are exactly the same pump. Blue line is just rebadged. So cheaper is better in this case.

The sicce has me looking as well but this will only handle my DT. All of my other equipment will be run from a seperate pump. I like the idea of a dedicated DT pump for some reason I guess.

Mark, how far away is that pump from your DT. I may look into the sicce 10. I know is some years the energy savings is there but money is an issue now so.......
As far as I read TH blue line and panworld are exactly the same pump. Blue line is just rebadged. So cheaper is better in this case.

The sicce has me looking as well but this will only handle my DT. All of my other equipment will be run from a seperate pump. I like the idea of a dedicated DT pump for some reason I guess.

Mark, how far away is that pump from your DT. I may look into the sicce 10. I know is some years the energy savings is there but money is an issue now so.......

With the horizontal run and turns its probably equal to about 13-14 ft of head. Straight up its 10 ft.

I got mine from this Pond place via Amazon: