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T5 Retrofit

I've been trying to put together the retrofit kit from brs with no luck. Its 2x39w bulbs with the non dimmable ballast.

Is there anyone in the central jersey area with some experience and spend 30 min or so, I can bring it to you. I have a cheap multimeter but am unfamiliar with electric and not sure if the bulbs are bad, ballast is bad or something is wrong with the connections. Followed the wiring diagram, and tried to look up vids on testing but no luck figuring out what the problem is.
Tested the bulbs with a meter and 1 end was no good, might be why it was never firing up. I won't know till the replacement bulb comes in and hopefully it finally works, lol.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Always told my wife that after a few years in the hobby you'll have basic carpentry, electrics, plumbing, and chemistry figured out, usually through trial and error reinforced with panic and backed by a credit card.
Very true, I had experience with carpentry and plumbing. But electric and chemistry make me feel like im back in school, lol. The trial and error with the learning curve definitely is one aspect of reefing that is appealing!