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taking night time pics


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'd like to take some pics of my tank lit with just the IceCap LED moonlights. I have not been successful. I am using a canon digital rebel and I really know nothing about picturetaking. Is there a setting I can use to take these pics? Can a novice take these kind of pictures or should I leave it to you professionals! LOL. Any tips or suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

Ah those lights look so good you want to show everyone
huh taz hahaha. They really show off the colors of everything. Different than actinic right


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'm just throwing out guesses here...

You would probably need to use a tripod with your aperture wide open and REALLY slow shutter speed. I tried night pics once (with the IC LEDs) I didn't have any luck, they just weren't bright enough. I would like to try it again though!
I would think long exposures (20-30 seconds or more) triggered by the timer at f8 would be a good starting point. I wouldn't open the aperture really wide because you would lose the depth of field.
hey Taz, are the pics coming out too blue?

white balancing will help.

If it's blurry, try the tripod and slow shutter speed (or long exposures)