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Tank birthday and I'm a Geezer


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
liked they used a ball joint from a 1969 Oldsmobile Vista Crusier.. Sounds like you had a eventful walk.. Now rest..


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
If one of those deer tried to attack me I would have stuck the thing in his ear while using harsh language on him.
This reminds me of a story of some time in Guantanamo in the early 90's.
I was off flight duty for the day and decided to go diving.
I met up with a standard brick s-house marine as a partner and we went out.
Upon a number of sharks approaching us, unsure of the type but they were a type that had lots of teeth, I made it back to shore so quickly I think I may have been mistaken for the Lord, as I was moving so fast I was running on the water.
A few moments later, the marine surfaced, and said this...
Really, he actually said this...
To this day I'm still unable to process it...
'Why did you swim away? Before they attack they wiggle their bodies first then come straight at you. All you have to do is stick your flipper in their mouths, they hate that.'
To which I replied, 'You want I should stick my foot in an attacking shark's mouth?'
To which he replied, 'Yeah, they hate that.'

Paul B

NJRC Member
I just got back from the Bone Doctor. I went for cortizone shots in both knees because my knees are sucky. Commercial construction in Manhattan for 40 years messes up your knees because everything is 1,000lbs, even lunch. :confused:

So I get there and roll up my two pants legs, I actually wore sweats for this and the Dr, assistant said why did I roll up both legs. I said, both knees don't work and both feel like I have tiny sea urchins playing polo in there.

She said, she can't do anything with the left knee which is a titanium one because there is no more arthritis in there, just inflamed tendons and she can't fix those.
Another knee replacement, like the original knee doc wants to do would only make it worse so I am stuck.

I asked if she could fix the right knee and she said, any small amount of meniscus left in there is shreaded and it is bone on bone so I am just pinching the nerves when I move. Nothing can be done except a new knee.

I told her the other one didn't work out to well and I can't be laid up because my wife has MS and I even have to put her shoes on. She can't live without me for a day, much less a year.

So she told me I am in between a hard place and a rock covered in long spined sea urchins so a new knee is the only option.

I can take over the counter pain meds like Tylenol or Dr Pepper.
She gave me the cortizone shot and I can take them every three months until I croak, so that was good news. :)
I just got back from the Bone Doctor. I went for cortizone shots in both knees because my knees are sucky. Commercial construction in Manhattan for 40 years messes up your knees because everything is 1,000lbs, even lunch. :confused:

So I get there and roll up my two pants legs, I actually wore sweats for this and the Dr, assistant said why did I roll up both legs. I said, both knees don't work and both feel like I have tiny sea urchins playing polo in there.

She said, she can't do anything with the left knee which is a titanium one because there is no more arthritis in there, just inflamed tendons and she can't fix those.
Another knee replacement, like the original knee doc wants to do would only make it worse so I am stuck.

I asked if she could fix the right knee and she said, any small amount of meniscus left in there is shreaded and it is bone on bone so I am just pinching the nerves when I move. Nothing can be done except a new knee.

I told her the other one didn't work out to well and I can't be laid up because my wife has MS and I even have to put her shoes on. She can't live without me for a day, much less a year.

So she told me I am in between a hard place and a rock covered in long spined sea urchins so a new knee is the only option.

I can take over the counter pain meds like Tylenol or Dr Pepper.
She gave me the cortizone shot and I can take them every three months until I croak, so that was good news. :)
May I suggest steroids not crap doctor gives or any those fake powders , pills , roll instead ,, I’m talking real steroids that you shoot,, I have same problem with my knees nothing left to sew just bone on bone have seven operations 4 on left 3 on right and they said nothing else can be done except replace them with fake knee, well I wouldn’t except that and did my own thing , and now I can do stadia or whatever with very very little discomfort.
it’s the fountain of youth in a bottle , tight skin no wrinkles no grey hairs and always ready to service the wife ,, highly recommend it

Paul B

NJRC Member
Unfortunately Our Daughters summer house in Vermont had a huge fire on Thanksgiving where we normally go for a couple of days burnt down. Not all of it, just the new extension that was just finished this year. That is the barn to the right that is totally gone and where the fire started The flames jumped to their house on the left.
That was a big front end loader in the barn
Vermont fire 4.jpgVermont fire 3.JPGVermont fire 1.JPG
Unfortunately Our Daughters summer house in Vermont had a huge fire on Thanksgiving where we normally go for a couple of days burnt down. Not all of it, just the new extension that was just finished this year. That is the barn to the right that is totally gone and where the fire started The flames jumped to their house on the left.
That was a big front end loader in the barn
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Omg what a horrible thing to happen on a holiday hope her family is ok

Paul B

NJRC Member
No one was there due to Covid, but that is where we normally have Thanksgiving. That new extension on their home is mostly gone.

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
How horrible! It's a big mess to deal with but no one in the family got hurt. How is Greta feeling?

Paul B

NJRC Member
No one was there and no one knows how the fire started. There were two ATV and I think 2 snowmobiles. My Grand kids each had a toy, battery SUV and a big tractor.

Paul B

NJRC Member
Yesterday I was able to donate another $500.00 to the MS society from proceeds from my book. That makes $1,500.00 so far. When they send me a receipt I will post it so people don't think I am spending that money on new high heels for Supermodels. :cool:

I earmark the checks for research only so it doesn't go to pencil sharpeners, paper clips etc. in their office.
I hope it actually does some good. :)