Paul B
NJRC Member
My tank now is about 78 degrees. I use 3 heaters.Paulie what Temperature do you keep your tank at? Do you even use a heater?
My tank now is about 78 degrees. I use 3 heaters.Paulie what Temperature do you keep your tank at? Do you even use a heater?
Absolutely love this post MR. B. ,,,, totally jealous of 176 steps to the ocean, I’m close but not that close,, got an extra room I can stay in???When my wife and I first got married we would say when we saw old people holding hands that some day that would be us. Little did we know, we would turn into them. It is a great feeling having a spouse like that. Much better than not having to quarantine and worry about silly parasites.
My only worry is about my wife, kids and Grand Kids. I no longer have to think about my job, Thank God. Don't have to think about making money, never worry about hair cuts.
I used to be a construction electrician foremen in Manhattan where we built big buildings all over the City, Sometimes I would have 150 men (and a few women) working for me and it was very stressful.
(Thats $18,000.00 payroll a day, including benefits)
Every day it was very expensive decisions and the unrealistic schedules added to the personalities of the workers, breaking up fights etc, was not something I miss. I was a very good foreman and my jobs always made money but it took a huge toll on my psyche
Of course Viet Nam was not exactly a picnic and I think it made me a much better and tougher person.
Remember I spent the entire year in the jungle, only coming out once for a day to go to Saigon to get a tooth pulled, Which was an hour helicopter trip. Then when that was the wrong tooth, I went back to get the next one pulled.
Those 2 dentist days were my only time out of the jungle. (Jungle means sleeping in the mud under the stars, no roof and getting sprayed with Agent Orange all the time not to mention the combat stuff)
If you don't go through life changing or close to life ending things, most things in your life will be tough.
I hear people on here talking about a fish as if we were curing cancer, Teraforming Mars for colonization by Liberals or exfoliating your face.( I don't even know what that is but I know it's a thing)
I like my fish, I don't love them. I loved the flounder I had for dinner last night and the macadamia encrusted grouper I had the night before and the calamari before that.
Behind my house and down 176 steps is the ocean. Many times when the tide goes out I can find hundreds of little fish caught in a tide pool behind a sand dune and they die. It makes the seagulls gush with happiness.
It's part of life, if you want to be a fish, you have to expect that. I am sure many of the ones that get back to the sea get eaten by the cousins of that Grouper I had for dinner. I never think about the demise of those fish.
Last week my female ruby red dragonette jumped out. A few days ago the male jumped out. (I guess he was like me and couldn't live without his main squeeze) yesterday I was working near my tank and found another stiff. I don't even know what fish it was.
It's not a big deal. In the sea he probably would have gotten eaten by a tuna.
I would rather the fish stayed in my tank and I try to cover all the holes, but it's a fish and it was his choice to jump. I didn't push him and he may have been a fish that was happily in my tank for 10 years.
I have so many fish that hide all the time and most of them are pairs so I can't be sure what fish it was.
I can't even name all my fish for that reason.
Fish tanks are easy, we make it complicated. Life is much more important and if we live long enough, as we age we will get much more serious things to be concerned with.
Now at my age many phone calls are not about going on the boat, where are we going to dinner, how many friends are coming to the lake to have canoe fights etc.
Now phone calls are more about which lifelong friend is sick. Whose parent died, so and so has cancer, etc.
My happiest times now are spending time with my wife, hoping she feels good and thinking up things to do for her. Her birthday is tomorrow.
"Teaching" my Grand Son's class about sea life. You can see they are really paying attention.
You couldn’t get Christie to help you out???Thats why I am here.
The Lady next to me was 103 years old. She was nice but what I didn't like about her, is that, she looked better than I do.
A Supermodel gave me the shot so i was all excited. After the shot you have to wait there for 15 minutes. While I was waiting, I asked her if she would like to go for a cup of caramel Latte across the street at Starbucks. She didn't. During that time, If you grow two heads, turn orange or drop dead they are supposed to inform some Government agency. Probably the "Men in Black".
So far nothing happened to me and I stopped looking in the mirror to see if I grew any hair.
No luck yet. Now I have to start getting up in the middle of the night to see If I can get my wife the shot as it isn't easy. There are like 7,000,000 people here on Long Island and they have only one Supermodel give one shot at a time, then fill out paper work for 15 minutes while another person, maybe a 103 year old person waits there. I told them to take her first. Every minute for her is valuable.
I know there is a shortage of Supermodels but I think anyone can give this shot as long as they have a nice personality. I wonder if you have to go to high school to know how to do this because it seems pretty simple to me.![]()
Best money ever spent, worth every penny for the look on your face,, lol
Diana, I know you sometimes accidentally stumble onto my thread and read some posts. This is for you.
A priest who is friends with my wife sent this to her just now.
*woman*. . . . . . . . .
When God created the woman He worked late on Friday .......
An angel came and asked. "Why spend so much time on it?"
Replied the lord. "Did you see all the specifications I had to meet in order to design it?"
● It must function in all kinds of situations.
● She must be able to adopt several children at once.
● Have a hug that can heal anything from a bruised knee to a broken heart.
● She must do it all with just two hands.
● She heals herself when she is sick and can work 18 hours a day.
The angel was impressed "Only two hands ..... impossible!
And this is the standard model? "
The angel approached and touched the woman.
"But you made her so soft, Lord."
"She's soft," God said.
"But I made her strong. You can not imagine what she can endure and overcome"
"Can she think?" Asked the angel ...
Replied the lord. "Not only can she think, she can reason and negotiate."
The angel touched her cheek ....
"God, this piece seems to be leaking! You've put too much of a burden on it."
"She's not leaking ... it's a tear." The Lord corrected the angel ...
"What is it for?" Asked the angel ......
Said the lord. "Tears are her way of expressing her sorrow, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride." ...
It made a great impression on the angel,
"God, you're a genius. You thought of everything.
A truly wonderful woman "
Said the Lord. "Indeed she is.
■ She has the power to amaze a man.
■ It can handle troubles and carry heavy loads.
■ She holds happiness, love and opinions.
■ She smiles when she feels like screaming.
■ She sings when she feels like crying, cries when she's happy and laughs when she's scared.
■ She fights for what she believes in.
■ Her love is unconditional.
"Her heart breaks when a relative or friend dies, but she finds the strength to continue living."
The angel asked: So she is a perfect being?
The Lord replied: No. It has only one drawback.
"She often forgets what she's worth."
Sorry to hear that buddy,, it’s a shame the way their handling this situation in OUR country,, way I see it the generation you all survived should be first on line,,, heck you can have my appointment as I don’t plan on getting the vaccine shot,,, heck COVID couldn’t survive my system let alone effect mine,, lolThis morning I baked a really nice loaf of bread. I was up all night trying to get my wife an appointment for a Covid shot. I got mine but couldn't get one for her because she got a shingles shot a couple of weeks ago and you have to wait 4 weeks to get the Covid shot. We didn't know that at the time she got the shot.
MS is an auto immune disease and she wouldn't fare well getting Covid and she is old enough to get it, but it is a Scam and really hard to get an appointment because there are millions of people all trying to get a shot in 6 places on 100 mile long Long Island.
The roll out of this is really stupid and there is no logic. Instead of having the Geezers, many of whom don't know a computer from an AM radio in a 1955 Oldsmobile Starfire trying to get shots by asking their 50 year old children to ask their 25 year old children to get them an appointment.
There should be some sort of criteria and not just that you have to be older than 65 as that encompasses half the people in the world.
It should go by age but a much narrower band like 100 year olds first. There are maybe 8 of those. Then 90 year olds, so another 1,000 of them. then 80 year olds. and so on. When they are done, go to younger people. At least have some sort of plan like the people who came up with this at least went to high school to maybe 8th grade. It's embarrassing to have a stupid system like this.
Criminals in Jail for heinous crimes don't need it but Jay walkers should be in line.
People with auto immune diseases or cancer should be in there maybe right after the 80 year olds and before the bald people.
If you have a reef tank that really shouldn't have any bearing on where they place you.