Paul B
NJRC Member
So last week we went with the Kids and Grand Kids to the private Island of Mustique.
mustique island - AOL Image Search Results
This is the third time we have been there and we absolutely love the place. We rented house and the staff with the chef. The place has 3 pools and like all the Island homes it is very big and entirely open, even the bathrooms but you are up on a mountain so the only ones who can see you showering are the fish. Almost no glass in the place, just open spaces.
It is on the equator so it is always warm.
To get there you fly to Saint Lucia then take this 16 seater puddle jumper.
The pilot gets outside the plane to turn the props to get the thing started.
It roars to life just as you have to takeyour hands inside the window right next to the propeller.
As it rises into the air and we reach cruising altitude aprox, 12' above the highest sailboat mast
I watch the "mainland" disappear.
So during the 10 minute flight I look at the little card in the seat back that shows the safety equipment. The first thing I read on the card is this.
So I keep looking at the engine to see if I see any of those things.
As I read on further I notice the "Safety" equipment.
The safety equipment is a tent and a fork.....No...Really!!! A tent and a fork. This flight is 100% over water.
Then we approach this huge landing strip which I thought was for helicopters.
We get off the plane and walk to the Gate. It reads "Gate One" in big letters. Of course there is no gate two, three or anything else.
The customs office is about as big as my bathroom and quite hot. The nice lady checks us out to make sure we don't have any lizzards, broccoli, or anything else questionable.
On our short trip to the house. (The Island is only 2 miles long) we see the turtle sculpture that I remembered from our last visit and it is in the center of the Island.
I have nothing to do with what they are doing, it's a sculpture.
Then we finally arrive at our private house and meet the staff.
These are the two smaller pools. They light up different colors at night.
Here is a video of the house we stayed in.
Going to the dentist now. Finish later.

Mustique Island - Mustique
Mustique, steeped in history and surrounded by intrigue lies in the of islands of St Vincent and the Grenadines, a hundred miles west of Barbados.
mustique island - AOL Image Search Results
This is the third time we have been there and we absolutely love the place. We rented house and the staff with the chef. The place has 3 pools and like all the Island homes it is very big and entirely open, even the bathrooms but you are up on a mountain so the only ones who can see you showering are the fish. Almost no glass in the place, just open spaces.
It is on the equator so it is always warm.
To get there you fly to Saint Lucia then take this 16 seater puddle jumper.
The pilot gets outside the plane to turn the props to get the thing started.
As it rises into the air and we reach cruising altitude aprox, 12' above the highest sailboat mast
I watch the "mainland" disappear.
So during the 10 minute flight I look at the little card in the seat back that shows the safety equipment. The first thing I read on the card is this.
So I keep looking at the engine to see if I see any of those things.
As I read on further I notice the "Safety" equipment.
The safety equipment is a tent and a fork.....No...Really!!! A tent and a fork. This flight is 100% over water.
Then we approach this huge landing strip which I thought was for helicopters.
We get off the plane and walk to the Gate. It reads "Gate One" in big letters. Of course there is no gate two, three or anything else.
The customs office is about as big as my bathroom and quite hot. The nice lady checks us out to make sure we don't have any lizzards, broccoli, or anything else questionable.
On our short trip to the house. (The Island is only 2 miles long) we see the turtle sculpture that I remembered from our last visit and it is in the center of the Island.
I have nothing to do with what they are doing, it's a sculpture.
Then we finally arrive at our private house and meet the staff.
These are the two smaller pools. They light up different colors at night.
Here is a video of the house we stayed in.
Oceanus - Mustique
Going to the dentist now. Finish later.