Paul B
NJRC Member
This morning like yesterday it is cool and windy. Not great weather to go amphipod collecting but I went anyway because the rocky coast is on my morning walk. I only go walking at about 6:00 am and at that time no one will see this fish Geek walking around with a pail turning over rocks like a 5 year old.
Last week you could put your shoe in the muddy water under rocks and come up with a thousand amphipods, but today was different.
Almost every rock had under it crabs. Japanese Shore crabs which are an invasive species and took over just about every inch of real estate so they are here to stay.
But the adult amphipods were gone. Not one. I don't know if it was to cold (71 degrees) I doubt it, or it was Prom night.
I couldn't collect even one adult amphipod but I got a lot of mud and these limpets which are extremely common.

They won't live more than a few months in my tank but occasionally I collect them just because I can. I may throw them back in the sea in a few weeks.
Looking closely at that muddy water, now that I am home, I see that I did collect multides of baby amphipods and other microscope creatures which will all go in my tank. I also see that I collected many very tiny Japanese Shore crabs which I will not add to my tank. They are not very harmful and grow to about an inch but I don't want them and may put them in a small tank just for the coolness factor or I may mail them back to Japan.
I mainly want the mud which contains all sorts of bacteria which I feel is beneficial to my tank and probably also harbors what many hobbyists would consider pathogens. These will not harm anything and will only help to boost the immunity of my fish.
Last week you could put your shoe in the muddy water under rocks and come up with a thousand amphipods, but today was different.
Almost every rock had under it crabs. Japanese Shore crabs which are an invasive species and took over just about every inch of real estate so they are here to stay.
But the adult amphipods were gone. Not one. I don't know if it was to cold (71 degrees) I doubt it, or it was Prom night.
I couldn't collect even one adult amphipod but I got a lot of mud and these limpets which are extremely common.

They won't live more than a few months in my tank but occasionally I collect them just because I can. I may throw them back in the sea in a few weeks.
Looking closely at that muddy water, now that I am home, I see that I did collect multides of baby amphipods and other microscope creatures which will all go in my tank. I also see that I collected many very tiny Japanese Shore crabs which I will not add to my tank. They are not very harmful and grow to about an inch but I don't want them and may put them in a small tank just for the coolness factor or I may mail them back to Japan.
I mainly want the mud which contains all sorts of bacteria which I feel is beneficial to my tank and probably also harbors what many hobbyists would consider pathogens. These will not harm anything and will only help to boost the immunity of my fish.
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