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Tank birthday and I'm a Geezer


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Looks great.
You're gonna have to open a store soon.
Undoubtably staffed by supermodels.

Paul B

NJRC Member
My bluestripe pipefish completely grew back his tail that was bitten to just a stump by the much larger Janss Pipefish. I really love these bluestripes and they are probably my favorite fish. I wish I kept records because I don't know how old they are.

They can really suck up new born brine shrimp.

You can see here how his tail grew back.


Paul B

NJRC Member
So I went to my neurologist friend yesterday and he doesn't think it is my back. Or my front, he thinks it's my sides. :eek: Well that doesn't leave much else I mean if it isn't your back and if it isn't your front, it must be your sides.
He thinks I may have a bunch of cracked ribs. I don't think so but being I don't have an arrow sticking out of my head or a cro bar sticking out of my back and I don't remember being pried out from between subway wheels, I have no idea why I can't hardly move. He also thinks I may have to go to a Dr. for arthritis, I forgot what you call them. I call them a Supermodel Doctor because the one I know could be on the cover of Sports Illustrated, so I hope I have arthritis. So far we know I don't have the arrow thing and they all agree I have stress fractures all over my backbone but he said that is from carrying heavy things all my life and most construction workers get that unless you were a snowflake or a Girly Man.

So they did all the doctor things and I had to go for blood tests to see if I had blood instead of seawater, then I had rib X Rays, I guess to see if I also have ribs. I went for lung X Rays and I am sorry I am sucking all the money out of Medicare so there may not be any left when you Noobs get here. :cool:
The Dr's will get al the tests back in a couple of days and I will see if I will live so I can take my tank with me or if I will sleep with my fish.

Just now I bought 3 striped cardinals which was stupid because now I have 3 more fish to move and this move is going to be a horror. :rolleyes:

Paul B

NJRC Member
Thank you, Last night I "almost" had to call a sissy ambulance as the pain was so high that I thought I may be a snowflake. But a bunch of pain pills and Grand Marnier in combination with some pills my Dr. gave me set me straight and I am still a Manly man. We here on Long Island are surrounded by some of the best hospitals in the world. I could almost walk to 4 of them. The problem with them is that if you go to an emergency room, or even of they pry you out from under a school bus that ran you over, then put it in reverse and ran you over again then the driver in the process of opening the door crushed your skull, you would still sit in the emergency room for 15 or 16 hours while they are on the phone with your insurance company before they give you an aspirin.

Paul B

NJRC Member
I know. If you get the correct mixture of alcohol and drugs, you see Supermodels.

The pain is much worse at night and gets much better during the day.
I was thinking of surrounding my body with LEDs at night, my pain would think it's daytime and not bother me.
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I call them a Supermodel Doctor because the one I know could be on the cover of Sports Illustrated, so I hope I have arthritis.
When she asks what is wrong don't say well I am stiff she might send you to another doctor. Hope you feel better.

Paul B

NJRC Member
I just gave away a 30' extension ladder for the move that I think is 95% certain we are doing. Now I have a bunch of tools and other things to unload as I can't bring almost any of this to the new condo. If anyone needs older car tools like timing lights, dwell meters, compression gages, ring compressors, cylinder hones, flexible dwell adjusters and long point adjusters, I will give them to you for free as I will not be using them. I was a GM Mechanic fifty years ago so I have tools for those cars as well as new cars but most of them I will keep for now.

Paul B

NJRC Member
I priced a 125 gallon tank but I think I will build the new stand. I don't like those Girly Man iron stands they sell to people who don't know any better. I also want to build a base rock that will span the 6' width of the tank and keep my reef structure off the gravel. Hopefully it will only touch the gravel in 6 places. I have been wanting to do that for many years but couldn't do it on a fully functioning reef. If I move everything I will first set up a tank in the new location which is 55 miles away. I plan to fill it half way with NSW from up the block. Then I will drive to this house and remove half the rock and some of the gravel and water. Drive out there and put that stuff in to get the bacteria going. Then make another trip, maybe with a friend who has another car and bring the rest of the rock, gravel and livestock. I will wash my gravel in NSW and put it in on my new Reverse UG filter.
I don't know if that new tank will use a sump as I have not decided on that yet.
I will bring my existing, water cooled LED lights but I will have to solder in another row of LEDs as the new tank is 6" wider. That is going to be a problem because I have to remove a few LEDs to solder on new pipe.
I will also bring my DIY, 5' Skimmer and algae trough. The algae trough is mainly for dissipating the ozone after the skimmer.
This is the plan anyway. If it works out like that depends on if I can keep this house a little while as I move to the new place.
This may be in February and that room the tank will be in is not heated and I will have to add heat at the same time I install the tank .

Oh and my male flasher wrasse jumped out this morning. I will give up on those because I lost 3 of them so far from jumping. As they get into spawning mode, they are so excited, that they jump for joy. :D

Paul B

NJRC Member
I am all excited because I found a LFS not far from where I am moving and they have live blackworms. That is great news because I don't think I would want to keep my tank with out the worms. Now I know I can bring my worm tank out there. :D