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Tank birthday and I'm a Geezer


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I do understand that people that cleaned ice didn’t earn much money, probably why they mechanized it.

BUT! More important!
With the reminder of your book having been published, and my failure up to this point to pick it up, I trudged down to Amazon. I typed in Avant-Garde and quite a number of books presented themselves. I was shocked to find one or two with covers adorned with ladies with their top parts exposed. I was quite offended for 20 minutes, then I resumed my search only to find a notification of your book being out of print.

Edit: Paul, seems to be a prob with the links above as well. The hard copy requires what seems to be a member sign in and the e-pub states its not available. I'm running Safari on a Mac if that has any bearing.
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Paul B

NJRC Member
Mark_C. I didn't even know it was out of print. I guess I have to find out from Amazon how to put it back into print. I had nothing to do with printing, selling, etc. But the people who did from Saltwater Smarts went out of business so I would assume I am supposed to take that over, if I can figure out how to do that. I will work on it. Thanks.

Paul B

NJRC Member
Last night, or actually this morning at 3:00am I hear: "YOU HAVE A REMINDER, THE COMPUTER GEEK IS COMING OVER TO FIX THE COMPUTER"
It was the Alexa on the other side of my house. When I set the reminder I neglected to tell it PM and not AM and usually the thing asks me but I was probably sipping a glass of Grand Marnier and didn't pay attention to it and said something like : "Whatever".

10 Seconds later the Alexa in our bedroom says the same thing. (This is a condo and not real big but my 2 Alexa's seem to be in different time zones because they tell me the same thing 10 seconds apart.)

I quickly get out of bed so as not to wake my wife and I put my mouth right near it's "ear" and whisper. "Alexa, Shut Up"

I looked around and my wife just stirred a little. I again whispered to Alexa, "Alexa, thank you, go to sleep, stop talking.
Alexa again lit up and said:


Alexa, No and thank you.

So I finally got it to shut up.

Then I hear the other Alexa in the dining room but it is far away so I run there to see what it wants. It is still reminding me of the computer Geek.
I close the bedroom door and hope we can't hear it. But these doors were probably from Home Depot and made out of three or four layers of Scott toilet tissue. The good three ply ones but it didn't matter, I can still hear her.

Then I hear: BEEP. Aparently if Alexa thinks you didn't hear her, she just Beeps all night about every 2 minutes. BEEP,,,,,,,,,BEEP,,,,,,BEEP ETC.
Try to sleep with that. So I go to the thing and say :Alexa, Thank you, now be quiet. She says "THANK ME FOR WHAT? YOU HAVE NO MORE REMINDERS, WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR YOUR REMINDERS.

Nooooooooooo. Alexa, just go to sleep.


I unplugged her and go back to bed

Every 2 minutes "BEEP,,,BEEP,,,,BEEP.
I put the pillow over my head. I thought maybe I just dreamt that I unplugged her so I go to check. Yep, the plug is on the floor so I head back to my bed.


Oh no. Now what do I do? It's 3:05 am and I don't want to get up. I figure maybe I am getting abducted by Aliens or worse "Liberals".
I go back into the kitchen and again check Alexa. She is dead. Then I look around and on the stove, the timer is saying, "Dinner is done" and beeping.

My wife shutoff the oven yesterday but apparently the times was still on.
So now I am not sure if I am awake typing this, or in an Alien Space Ship in a galaxy far far away. :eek:


Paul B

NJRC Member
Working on my new Steam Punk floor lamp. The base is a turn of the century Auto Clave that dentists used to sterilize equipment. It needs a lot more work but it is getting there.

Paul B

NJRC Member
I bought a new power washer for my new house because my old one was gas powered and much to big for this new place. So I took the thing out of the box and had to assemble just a few little things.
I decided to read the directions because it has a couple of dials on it that I didn't know what they were for and unlike many people, I actually like to read directions. Like most men I may not ask for directions, but I do read them.

I noticed the part about cold weather storing because this will be stored in my garage where most things will freeze.

In the directions it says : "Do not store in a place that gets below 32 degrees". OK, the thing has water in it so that is common sense.
Then it says "If you have to keep it in a place where it gets below 32 degrees, drain out the water, pull the trigger to release the pressure, then don't store it in a place that goes below 32 degrees".

I mean is it me? They sell these things and put the directions in it and go to the trouble to translate the directions in 14 different languages including Farsi, Mozambique, Brooklynese, and some dialect in ancient Arabic that only Jesus spoke but they don't take a minute to read the thing.
I don't even think Jesus even had a Home Depot near by to get one. :confused:
My steam cleaner rusted through the boiler recently. I Salvaged it from trash. It was probably made in the 70s, maybe 80s. It was definitely made in USA. It had a penguin with an X on it. NO Penguins, I guess. It was made for kerosene. I used jetA in it cause it’s readily available. The last time I went to use it, it got water in the burner, and I discovered it was rusted beyond repair. Ill probably never going to get another cleaning machine like that.

Paul B

NJRC Member
CRASH'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''. No, not my tank, don't be silly, I have an undergravel filter so my tank don't crash. It was my knee that crashed. I went tomy knee surgeon for a tune up on my new knee which has not been working well and I am not up to my 20,000 mile check up. The thing hurts and the reason I got the thing was to stop the pain and allow me to resume my Male modeling job and bungee jumping. :rolleyes:

The physicians assistant comes in and pokes my knee on the side and before she could ask if that hurts, I was half way to the ceiling. I said WHAT WAS THAT??? She said, that is the ligament that is inflamed. I said, YOU THINK!!!. :confused:

She said, Thats not good. I said YOU THINK!!!
So the surgeon who replaced my knee comes in and picks up my foot. I said Now don't twist that thing. He says, I Won't. So he sticks his finger in a place at the bottom of my knee cap and before he can say, Does that hurt, I am past the center point to the ceiling.

He says, Thats not good. So he tells me, this only happens to one in 3,000 patients. He told me that once before. I asked, do you think you can rummage through the dumpster and find my old knee to put it back in? ;Wideyed

From his expression I could see that He can't or won't do that. He tells me I have two problems. I have tendinitis in this ligament on the left side of my knee and I have this neuroma on the front of the knee cap. I wanted to say, No I had one problem, I let you operate on my knee. Then he said, "This is very interesting". Those were not the words I would have chosen. :cool:

I said just shoot it up with cortizone. He said he doesn't want to do that because cortizone next to metal causes,,,,,,I could swear he was going to say rust, But he said infections. It is almost boating season and I don't have time for this. So he upped my anti inflamatory meds and said come back in 6 weeks. If that doesn't work, we (meaning him, unless he has a mouse in his pocket because I ain't going to help) will have to open up the knee (like it's a jar of peanut butter) and remove that tendon and replace it. "Replace it with what?" Like a piece of bicycle tube, beef jerky, Silly Putty. He didn't elaborate.

I will be in the Caribbean then, probably on crutches anyway so I hope we don't have to go that route.

So on the way home we have to go to an Italian Market because where we moved to we can't get good Italian food and we are both Italian so we need the right food. Not make believe Italian American food, but the real thing. In the store I am limping from my left knee so my right hip goes out. This market is great and they have stuff all over the place that you can sample, which I do. So I start limping worse and I almost fell to the floor from the pain. But on my way down, from the corner of my eye, I notice some home made, fresh mazareli (I can't spell that but we Italians call it Mootzadella with the emphisize on the Mootz) That gave me the strength to rise up and stick a tooth pick in it for a sample. Delicious. Now I am going down again and my wife SCREAMS,, "PAUL". Just then I notice a table with home made Italian bread and sauce. (We Italians call it gravy, I don't know why) But it was towards the door so I managed to get up enough to dip the bread into the sauce and take a bite. Fantastic. I was having a lot of trouble standing so I hobbled over to a table of pepperoni just in time. Anyway, these tables of great and were in line towards the door which is how i made my way to my car.

I texted my wife from there and told her that I missed a couple of cheeses if she could grab me some samples. :p
At home I grabbed some pain meds and a nice glass or Grand Marnier. :D

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
I love mortadella. Friday (not during Lent) is homemade pasta and meat sauce. I make homemade bread in my outdoor pizza oven.
Hope you don't have to get cut open again. Prayers that all heals with no pain

Paul B

NJRC Member
Actually my Daughter is in the Caribbean now on a private Island and Doogie is there also. How's that for a coincidence. :D

I am taking my special "jumping juice" that I invented for my wife's MS pain. It worked on her and MS pain is probably a lot worse than Sissy fake knee pain. :cool:

Never in my life has my back went out at the same time as my knee. This getting old stuff is really fun. I can't wait till tomorrow to see what falls off. :confused:


NJRC Member
Maybe this happened to your back.....
I wonder if they put mind altering stuff in the cheese,and were secretly piping michael jackson music in your head..And that caused you to break out in the Thiller dance???

Paul B

NJRC Member
I have this very old DeWalt 1/2" hammer drill and it was made in America so I don't want to part with it. I dropped it many times off the top of 8' ladders and it survived. But lately the clutch has been slipping and it got so bad that I couldn't use it any more.
The clutch mechanism is stupid anyway and made for Girly Men so the thing stops if the drill hits something that makes it stop instead of breaking your arm. I fixed it by jamming the clutch closed by putting round metal beads in the springs that put pressure on the clutch.
Now it works like a charm and just doesn't have a clutch. I could easily buy a new one but it wouldn't be American so I don't even want one for free. :D
I was also able to grease it so it is nice and quiet.