Is poor folk LOVE Walmart clothes n boots you just throw away at end of season I think all my clothes n boots ect ect together cost less then 2 pair of my daughters shoes. She’s name brand brain washed, yet I’m still paying for her car insurance and cell phone. Go figureThis morning we went to Walmart, and I never go to Walmart. There is one close by and I think I was there twice, counting today. I needed 9 gallons of boat antifreeze and they have it for like $2.50. Home Depot charges $5.00.
While we were there my wife saw this elliptical machine which normally sells for like 4 or 5 hundred bucks and they had it for $150.00 which is stupid cheap.
I tried to buy it but it was chained to the rack 5' high and the thing is like 200lbs so I needed help. Of course no one works there and the few people who do work there have no idea what I was talking about.
The thought of buying something that was chained to a rack was totally foreign to them and they didn't know how to call anyone who knew how to unchain this thing.
Now I know why I never go to Walmart.
On our way out, with just the antifreeze I saw they had a "Customer Service" counter so I stopped there. They actually had someone standing there and she was a Supermodel. I wanted to ask her why such a beautiful and apparently intelligent person would work there for probably minimum wage, but I didn't.
She said she could "probably" find someone to go there and un chain the machine but I declined because I figured it would be a big waste of time.
Thats why people buy from Amazon and these stores wonder why they are going out of business.
They also have like 20 check out lanes, but only one was open. ;Meh Horrible place and I will not go back until next year when I need antifreeze.
Some of the patrons were a little scary.
She’s name brand brain washed, yet I’m still paying for her car insurance and cell phone. Go figure
I can’t really complain to much about her, she started her career job that she went to college for this week, I’m so proud of her,You think!
Paulie I know what you mean. My Daughters shoes cost more then my car, but she buys them. When she was 16 she got a job, bought her car at 17, bought her apartment at 19 and her wedding cost more than my neighborhood. But I couldn't pay for that.
I taught her early to be independant so if I croak, she will be OK. I didn't croak yet and she has done very well.
It wasn't easy but I think my wife and I did a good job. Our Daughter knows I like independance more than anything.
Except Supermodels and linguini and clams of course.![]()
See Paul we need your little stories about basically nothing more than a old guy walking around in early morning. But it sucked me in and had to read it again putting yet another smile on my face,, but I do know what you can do with your extra room,,, move me in,,,,, much lov brotherThis morning like most days I got up and took a walk outside to watch the sunrise and nature in general. Today I surprisingly didn't see any deer, woodchucks, Muskrat Sally's, hawks, peacocks, supermodels or road kill.
A school bus did stop near me at about 6:15 which I thought was a little early for kids to go to school. I think when I went to school it started at about 8:00 but we didn't really have any clocks in my one room school house so I am not sure.
As I walked, the first thing I came across was this "Deer Crossing" sign and I rushed past that because I didn't want to get hit by any deer at that time in the morning.
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There also wasn't any mist hanging over the grass like there usually is. It was quieter than normal and totally beautiful. I was wishing my wife could have come along but then in all that quiet she would have said something like:
"You know today you should really paint the front door, figure out what we are doing with the spare bedroom, go buy the paint for the hall way, call the car dealer because I want a new car as soon as they come out, see if our accountant can come over for dinner, ask our Daughter what the plans are for Thanksgiving etc.".
And that would be the end of the peacefullness.
I knew I was getting near the end of the road from the smell of wet horse. This is an affluent neighborhood and you can tell if you look close and pay attention. One thing that stood out is that the horses wear designer boots.
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So I walked about a mile and a half to the end of the country road where it ends at a larger road. At that junction there is this windmill. It’s a silly place for a windmill and I am sure it was someplace else a hundred and fifty years ago. The thing is there because there is a catering hall nearby and brides go there to take pictures. They have to be quick because as you can see it is totally falling apart and if any actual wind hit it, it would collapse into a large pile of termite infested sticks.
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I don't see the attraction of taking a wedding picture in front of a defunct, dilapidated excuse for a windmill unless maybe the Happy couple want to try to convince people they had a destination wedding in Holland.
I am sure Holland has much better windmills so the people there most likely take pictures in font of Starbucks.
Behind the windmill is a dirt road which I have never been on so I went that way. It led to this "shed" which seems to have been built at the same time as the windmill by Columbus. I went in being careful the roof didn't collapse and I listened closely to make sure Otis the town drunk wasn't living in it.
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The only things in it were ancient lawn mowers in varying degrees of rusting into the ground. I looked around for something to use for a steam punk project with no luck so I left as the place was making me itchy.
I bet not long ago someone went in there and something scared him out of his underwear. No, really! I saw someone's underwear stuck in a tree and for that to happen, you really have to be running pretty fast.
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I don't know what scared him but I wouldn’t know how to describe how my underwear ended up in a tree so I got away from there.
About two thirds of my way home, there was dense brush on both sides of me. To dense for anyone or anything to get through. But a sort of clearing opened up where I could see back into the thicket.
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I didn’t want to get too close as the sun wasn’t really up yet and I didn’t notice any underwear in the trees but all of a sudden, out of the quietness I heard this very low, very close rumbling. Exactly like a lion sounds just before he pounces on the gazelle on the African Savanna, ripping it to pieces before swallowing it alive, not that I have ever been on the African savanna or saw a gazelle being eaten alive but I do watch David Attenbury describe it on National Geographic TV.
A thousand thoughts went through my head like how many lions are on Long Island New York? Not many I thought and the nearest lion was probably in the Bronx Zoo 100 miles away.
But maybe it was a pet that got away. Maybe it escaped from the Bronx Zoo and walked the hundred miles along the expressway undetected.
I wasn’t sure what it was but it sure sounded like the low rumble of a lion. A very big, very hungry lion.
I heard it again and I started walking faster, much faster. Almost running now and at my age, running doesn’t mean going so fast that bugs get caught in my teeth.
Then, all of a sudden, I heard the unmistakable sound of a tractor trailer horn. It was the diesel engine of the truck echoing through the brush and I assume the driver had it in the wrong gear.
OMG was I relieved.
At least you got some sleep, I think I got hour n forty five minutes of sleep last night,, for past 3 nights I be been having leg spazems real bad almost feels like I’m jogging in bed then cold then hot sweating back to cold,, sucks getting old it’s always somethingGood morning Paulie. If it were not for you and my friend Diana, I would retire from any writing as I can always count on you two to read this jibberish.
I slept in that spare room last night as we are waiting for the Murphy bed to arrive so there is only a mattress on the floor and not much else in there.
My wife was in quite a bit of pain last night so I went in there to sleep. This morning, very early I heard her get up and I wanted to "rush" in there to see if she was OK.
She was, but I didn't realize I was on the floor so when I tried to "jump" out of bed, I just rolled across the floor into the wall which is unnerving at 6:00 in the pitch dark.
Your uncle sounds like old school Italian before there was snowflakes, I remember when I got arrested for a bag of pot (mid 80s) and they had me in booking room and the cop asked me “ where did you get it “ I’m like dude my uncle Frankie would beat me close to death if I answers that question, I’d be better off in jail, and the looks at me like wtf Mother’s maiden name is Degenarro. (Think there’s an i in there some where)My Mother never used a cane or even wore glasses except reading glasses and never even took an aspirin. No high blood pressure, no nothing.
And she was the toughest 4'11" Sicilian you could imagine and she would scare the biggest men away. I am not kidding.
She was tough because of her brother. She also lived to 99 years old because she wanted to spite all her enemies.
Her Brother, my Uncle died about 90 and he was the same. But he also never went to a doctor, dentist or paid taxes.
The guy was born here but spoke broken English and grew up on the docks of New York, one of the toughest places on Earth in the 1920s.
People were getting killed every day from either accidents or the Mob.
He lived in my Grand Fathers house and it became one of the worst, toughest places in Brooklyn. It was a brown stone and had a foyer. He also had 14 dogs. Spits dogs.
They were born in the house, died of old age in the house and never went any where. He thought he was a dog lover but I am sure the dogs thought other wise. If banana cream pie was on sale, they all ate banana cream pie. Him and the dogs. If beans were on sale, they all ate beans.
His neighbor called the police because he didn't have licenses for the dogs. (They would fight every day, sometimes fist fights)
So he had to go and get the dogs licenses. The Lady asked him their names. He said "There dogs, they ain't got no names."
"They have to have names". So he said OK. "Big Terry, Little Terry, White Terry, Black Terry, Big prince, Little Prince, White Prince etc. "
One night my wife and I drove him home to Brooklyn. (he lost his license because he drove up on a lawn trying to run someone over that he had a fight with) The next week he comes over with a dirty rag wrapped around his waist. We said What Happened!
Apparently, when we left him at his house the week before there were three dirtbags waiting in his foyer. They asked for the money. He said No problem.
He kept a lead pipe behind the door ( with the 14 dogs) because this happened a couple of times before.
He cracks one of them over the head, and kills him. The other two guys were dragging this dead guy down the street while my uncle, who was in his 60s at the time kept running after them. He couldn't catch them but they dropped the guy.
My uncle put him in a City garbage can, head first and went home to feed his dogs. Probably pie.
But they stabbed him twice in his stomach. Ho got a rag that he used to clean eels with and wrapped it around himself. Maybe poured some axle grease on it. No problem.
I could go on about him all night but he was the toughest Sicilian, or toughest Human I have ever met. They called him Stretch because if you said Hello to him, and he didn't like you, he would stretch you out on the sidewalk.
Most things I won't even speak about.![]()
If I owned an exotic car lot I would invite you by for coffee.I bought two small ones just because i was there...