SweetI took another video. The whale sounds are coming from my larger Whale tank.
Feel free to send me a bunch of those white worms if your running out of room to house them,, wonder how my ponies would like emI have so many white worms I may start to eat them myself. I have been feeding them a dry cat food and althoughView attachment 31763 they don't spit up hairballs, they grow very large very quick. My fish are all doing the macarana.
I have so many white worms I may start to eat them myself. I have been feeding them a dry cat food and althoughView attachment 31763 they don't spit up hairballs, they grow very large very quick. My fish are all doing the macarana.
Tequila is my go to if I drink (maybe 2x a year) if that. It’s a great drink that makes panties drop and memories forgotThat is my favorite too. Happy anniversary!
Sorry to hear that your wife isn’t feeling well, hope she feels better soon.Unfortunately my wife isn't doing to good today. Yesterday she had a flu shot and now we get the Super Geezer shot. You kids still get the Sissy shot but us "Mature" people get the Super shot which is a double dose and they mix it with Tequila and not the Girly stuff. The "Man" stuff with the worm in it.
That shot kind of gives her a sort of Flu and makes her sick. I guess it doesn't mix well with her other Meds.
Glad she is feeling better today, thoughts and prayers brotherMy wife seems much better today and while I am waiting for it to stop raining, I spit shined my boots. You Millenniums will have to Google that but in Basic Training, in the Army when I was in during the Revolutionary War we had to spit shine our boots every day, sometimes twice a day.
It really had nothing to do with boots as it was a mind exercise and they wanted to make sure your mind never had a minute of free time so they had to keep you busy constantly.
Got quite the orgy tank goin on, my seahorses hump so much there are babies in water column 2-3x a week to ten days,, wonder if they have lil seahorse condomsGood Morning Diana.
My tank seems to be in a growth spurt. I don't know why. I also can't keep enough Alk in there and I may have to do it intravenously. Yesterday I made a mistake and thought I was dosing Alk, But I put in 4 times the dose of calcium.
I figured the water would turn into blackboard chalk, but nothing happened.
My invading, engulfing blue sponge is not encrusting over everything as fast but the encrusting gorgonians, green star polyps, mushrooms and zoa's are blooming all over the place. My anemone which was pinkie nail size a couple of years ago split into 3 anemones and each one is about 10" wide which is scaring me and if I could get two of them out, I would give them away. I try not to get any food near them for fear they will take over my Man Cave.
I think my 6 line wrasses are spawning as they both disappear behind the rocks together and come out smiling. One of them is new.
My two new ruby red dragonettes still ignore each other but they are still teenagers and to young.
My Rainsford gobies rarely come out as I think all they do is spawn and of course the fireclowns are just disgusting with all their spawning.
I can't yet tell if my new hawkfish is spawning with the old guy. Of course none of my fish have ever been drugged or quarantined so none of them will ever get sick.
You can tell when fish are in spawning condition because their colors get so much brighter and most of them get a "fluorescent tinge" on the edges of their fins. You rarely see this on captive fish but you see it on fish in the sea.
That is a sign of true health but you have to look closely. The fish also have a rounded appearance, they are curious and are not dead.
Drugged fish won't show that nor will most quarantined fish as their immune system is veclumpt, or gone.
I also never have to coax new fish to eat. A natural tank has that effect and they will eat Chinese Take Our if they had thumbs to sign the credit card receipt.
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