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Tank birthday and I'm a Geezer


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NJRC Member
Hope the move is going/has gone as well as can be, but, being a homeowner who has moved I'm aware that's as rare as someone making a multimillion dollar career out of shouting something like 'The Plane! The Pla.... errr, mmmm, scrap that.

Paul B

NJRC Member
Today I had to take my wife to a Neurologist in our old neighborhood so I went to my favorite LFS. I picked up 2 very cool gobies which I have never seen before. I will take pictures when they come out to the front. I also got a pair of bluestripes. The janss pipefish killed my old male bluestripe and these are babies so I may be taking a chance.
My last female died of old age just after I moved here. They only have a lifespan of five years or so.
My algae issue is almost gone and the tank is crystal clear. I will add more corals when I get back to the store. This tank is bigger so I need more livestock.

Paul B

NJRC Member
I can see my bluestripe pipefish frolicking around but I have yet to see my new "Gecko Gobies" I read that they live up side down in caves but they are really hiding and may be in a bottle. I know they didn't jump out so I know they are in there some place.
Since I moved I have not hatched brine shrimp or fed live blackworms. I have to drive fairly far to get them but I still have my white worms which I feed a few times a week. I may start hatching shrimp soon but that part of my ManCave/workshop/fishroom is not completed yet.
Tomorrow we are getting the Grand Kids for a few days so I have to find that sunken ship they gave me that opens and closes with bubbles. :confused:


Paul B

NJRC Member
The hair algae in my tank (from my tank move and all new NSW) is coming off in big clumps so I can easily suck it out. If I had time (I am watching the Grand Kids) I would start my diatom filter and get it all sucked out before it dies and rots all over the place. But I don't see that happening for a few days.
After it is all out I may change some water. "Not" changing water is what is killing the algae. After this phase, the tank will be much better looking and healthier as hair algae is the best water purifier there is. When you remove it, you also remove whatever was making it grow but another benefit is that the algae somehow add beneficial elements to the water (I didn't make that up but I forgot who did) If you keep changing water when you have nuisance algae, it will keep growing. Look at how much water people change to eliminate it and it doesn't work.

Paul B

NJRC Member
My tank is looking real sweet now that most of the algae is gone. I can suck it out in huge clumps and it clogs my sink. The corals are at full extension and all the fish are smiling.
I am going to try to list the fish although I am not sure of their names. I think some may be Tom or Harry.
1 copperband
2 blue stripe pipefish
2 anthius
2 bleenies
2 gecko gobies
2 Fireclowns
1 Janss pipefish
1 Some kind of red fish?
1 Some other kind of red fish?
1 Something that may be a type of anthius? (I am not real good at remembering names)
1 Wrasse looking thing.
I need to re plumb my reverse UG filter because there is almost no water going into it. Normally the water that flows over my algae filter goes into it but I didn't finish that yet so the water flows over the algae mesh and goes right back into the tank. I need to remedy that but too many other things to do first with the house.
I am finishing the vinyl tile in my workshop and I need to epoxy the garage floor, build a few more closets, add more outlets in the workshop and garage and build a rock wall in the living room with a fireplace and TV. Need to keep the wife happy.
Yesterday I drove the Grand Kids back 88 miles to the West Village in the City where they live, that was fun.
Of course while they were here, I couldn't do anything productive as I had to play Ninja, Princess, Batman, Little Mermaid, and go to a horse ranch to see miniature horses.

(The Ninja is killing the algae with his scary looks)

The workshop is coming along. My workbench is on the other side.

Paul B

NJRC Member
Yesterday we had to go to the old neighborhood to doctors. When you get ancient you go to doctors as much as I used to go to Disco's. (Google it) I need a knee replaced and I just had some finger operations. I wore out my fingers pointing at pretty girls, I mean pointing at interesting fish in stores. I also want to go and buy a rug for my head or maybe get one of those cool comb overs.

My wife has her own issues.

So the LFS didn't have any small interesting fish that I wanted, just the normal, boring stuff like tangs, angels, moray eels Manta rays etc. So I really wanted to come home with something and I got this Moon Wrasse. Thats what they said it was although i think the guy in the canoe who collects these things makes up the names. It was probably a full moon when this thing jumped into his boat.

It started to eat as he was being put into my tank and never hid. He thinks he is an anthius and "schools" with the two I have, but they just think he's weird.


Paul B

NJRC Member
We Went to thew library here yesterday and they have a shelf for Long Island Authors. There were very few books there so I told the girl working there that I live on Long Island and I wrote a book. She got all excited and ran to get the head Librarian. They want my book there as I am sure they would want any Long Island writers book. While I was looking at the Long Island authors I was surprised to see this book there.

I didn't know the author "Philip Keith " was from Long Island. But I was in that battle that the book is about so they again got all excited because Philip Keith is coming to speak there in November and they want me to speak about the battle. I am all excited. I have spoken about this before in front of various groups and on the radio, but this time it will be with the author of the book who by the way, was not in the battle.

Paul B

NJRC Member
Yesterday we did another Geezer thing. We took the Jitney about 3 hours upstate to a Purple Heart Museum. It was very cool and I didn't know some of the things about purple hearts. The Govt. minted a million of the medals during WW2 because that is how many men they figured we would lose if we invaded japan. Luckily, we didn't have to but they have a lot of medals left.
We are enrolling my wife's Father who was wounded in the Pacific in that war. He spent a year in the Hospital in Hawaii and received a Purple Heart.

Then they took us to a very nice seafood restaurant on the Hudson and treated us to a 2 hour boat ride on the Hudson. Very nice, and they had a bar.

My fish are all doing well and I will change some water if I ever get time as it has been 3 months. :D

Paul B

NJRC Member
That is amazing!

What? That I have a library card! :rolleyes:

I am running the diatom filter on my tank today because most of the algae died and I want to suck out the dead and dying pieces.

I finished the barn wall with the top trim and the antique hardware. My wife loves it.


Paul B

NJRC Member
Diana, I put this on here before but if you are interested, here is my radio broadcast. They invited me to speak about my tank in the first segment then they wanted me to speak about my time in Viet Nam in the second segment. It is next to the date 4/22/16 Project Independence Radio Show

Paul B

NJRC Member
So today I went to a hand doctor. I had a few hand surgeries and being that I wave to all the Pretty girls, I wore out my hands. (The girls just look at me and say, "What are you looking at, you Geezer)
But anyway, the hand doctor looked at my hands and I told her a few stories until she sent me for a X Ray. The XRay girl told me to put my hands on the machine while she went into the other room to take the picture. I am waiting and she finally takes the picture. Then I hear this big scream from her. I figured she saw something so horrible on my XRay that they were going to have to amputate my hands and replace them with pruning shears like Edward Scizzorhands. I yelled "WHATS WRONG". She says, "THERE IS A SPIDER ON THE SCREEN". "CAN YOU COME AND KILL IT?". So much for not being a Girly Girl. So O killed the spider and said to her, why don't we put it on my hand while she takes the XRay to see what the Dr. says. She didn't think that was a good idea.

So the Doctor girl, who was younger than my Daughter asked me if I wanted a cortozone shot. I said, I don't know, will that help. She said she didn't know, but it can't hurt. I thought the Doctor was supposed to tel me what I needed but maybe this is the new medicine. So she sprays my wrist with this stuff that reads "Pain Ease". Now you know that isn't going to work. So she sticks this spike into my wrist, then takes it out and sticks it into a different place and says this may hurt. Like Duh.
She says, your hand may feel cold. I said, wait a minute, I can't hear you because I am scraping the ice off of my fingers.

So I said, whats wrong with my hand. She didn't know but said come back in 5 weeks and we will give you an MRI.
So in other words I wasted my entire morning.

From there I figured I would go to the Veterans Administration which was 15 miles away. In the Home Depot here now they only give Veterans discounts if you have a service connected injury or disability which I have but I never got it on my card. But now I do so I can get my Veterans discount there. I am spending thousands there a month because of all the building I am doing so what the heck. :D

Paul B

NJRC Member
My mandarin has a new hobby. When I feed the tank, he comes out and grabs a big piece of clam and goes into a cave to take his time trying to eat it. He has been doing this for a couple of weeks and I have never seen a mandarin doing that at every meal. Of course he hunts the rest of the day.

Paul B

NJRC Member
So my tank has been in the new location for about 3 months now and so far no diseases or losses. I do have a tiny ozone generator which is to small to do anything but I put it on just for fun. It only puts out 50 mg/hr of ozone, my old one put out 200 mg/hr so this one won't even give my pods a tan much less kill any parasites. I know many people feel it is ozone that keeps my tank immune, but that is just silly. It is the food with the live bacteria in it, and the fact that I add fish without any quarantine at all from anywhere with no regard to parasites. That is what keeps my tank immune.

The amount of fish diseases on these forums is mind boggling and If I had to worry about all those diseases I would have packed this hobby up years ago and dumped it in the same place I throw out my Oldsmobile parts.

Virtually all fish in the sea have all the diseases that there are. It's our job to get the fish healthy asap so the fishes fantastic immune system can take care of it. Fish in the sea probably never get sick unless they have been injured or had their head removed by a bigger fish.
Fish diseases for me and other "older" people is a non issue and never thought about. As I have said 87 times, fish need parasites to stay healthy, as a matter of fact, parasites need fish for the same reason and there are viruses that need parasites to stay relevant. It's all normal and they all work together as they have since Nancy Pelosi was born.

If our fish gets sick, it is our fault, no one else.
Fish also need hiding places and they hate PVC pipes. If you feel you have to quarantine, please use some rock or something that looks like it was under the sea like something from Jimmy Hoffa's shoe. :eek:

But if you do quarantine for an extended amount of time, your fish will always be at risk of some sort of disease. I didn't make that up, the fish did.
Wow Paul you get around more then my ex.
My mom had one knee replace and one rebuilt a couple years ago. I think she was up and working in two months but she is not a wimp. She did say the replacement knee was harder to recover from. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Thanks for all the great knowledge that nobody knows or talks about
When my leg heals and back to work I’m looking forward buying your book! Would be great if someday it can be an autographed copy!

My dad was in Vietnam 101st but don’t remember years. I always like hearing the stories. That was when men where tough
Thank you for your service

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