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Tank cracked today

0108A034-51E9-4A2D-90F1-8B912D950BA7.jpeg 1F2C9A86-5D3F-4FD5-9833-E5ABC7ACF9FF.jpeg So this happened today. Thank god my wife was running late for work this morning or we would have come home to an empty tank with dead livestock. I was able to save all my fish but they are in a 30 gallon tank right now so I will be selling off all livestock and equipment soon..
That’s terrible. If you would like to try and save your stuff I have about 150 gallons of tank space to house your stuff till you get the tank replaced


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Darn John. So sorry to hear. If u didn’t drill. Call manufacturer. It’s well within the warranty for it.
Been there. Not pleasant. Luckily, I too was home when my 210 gallon tank cracked. I remember being terribly exhausted at the end of that day. I'm sure you are, too.

AGA replaced the task even though it was out of warranty. Hope yours gets replaced.

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Area Local Reef Club
Have a 40 gal breeder QT and a little room in my 120 DT and, depending on what it is, would be happy to house a few things for you until you get another tank cycled. That is if you would like to keep them and are planning a replacement. If sadly leaving I'd be interested in hearing what you have to sell.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Got some space in Brick if you want me to hold onto anything dor you for a while. Lemme know.
Thanks for all the offers, but I was actually getting ready to shut the tank down and sell everything off due to health issues and I am running around with my kids so I really can’t take care of the tank anymore. So I will be selling everything off.


Area Local Reef Club
Same here, if your mind is made up we may be able to help you at least get a portion of your investment back and give your livestock a good home. Please send me a note with what you are looking to part with.