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Tank Photo Shooting

Just trying to feel out the waters here.

How many people would be interested in learning/mastering tank shooting with their digital camera? If enough people were interested maybe we could work it into an upcoming meeting as a class.

We surely have some good tank photographers in our group who could share some of their knowledge.

How many people would be interested in something like this?


Those who are interested so far:
Carlo - Cayars
John - JohnS_323
Brian - ReefDrumz
Jack - Treadingwater
Sam - jazzsam
Gabriel - kabal2


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I am friends with a professional photographer that said she was interested in holding a "class". To show us the basics of photography.

I can reach out to her again, although she might be getting busy now that wedding season is in full swing.
I'm interested, however I have no idea how long it'll be before I can actually afford a macro for the new camera ;)
I can't seem to get a good picture to save my life so I would love to hear about developing some photo skills.
jazzsam said:
I can't seem to get a good picture to save my life so I would love to hear about developing some photo skills.

You were the inspiration for the thread. :)

mladencovic, I thought about that too but just thought I'd throw the question out first to see how many people would be interested if at all.

It would probably make sense to cover the basics first and work up to more advanced stuff at each meeting. Who knows maybe this could be an ongoing 30-60 minute (or so) slot at each meeting for those interested. I guess it really depends on how many people are interested.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
D200/D80/D40 users can use the spreadsheet found in THIS LINK to do some basic camera setup to get you started. There is a LOT of great information in that spreadsheet. It really helped me to learn the camera just going through the spreadsheet and finding all of the functions.
Brian & I were working on setting this up. I've reached out to the photographer again. I'll let you know when I have a response.
If we could get a professional photographer who knows digital macro photography then that would be great. If not we have a ton of talent inside the club already.

Just a thought but if we were to bring someone in, it might be best to do a couple internal classes first to help the newbies get up to speed and really understand the camera, apertures, speeds and various camera settings first so they would get more out of an "advanced class".

Deb/Brian keep us informed on your progress.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If we want basic camera classes I'm sure the guy from Ritz Camera would be glad to instruct us. He currently does both Nikon specific as well as Canon specific intro to your camera courses.
I'm just waiting on a date from her. It's going to be a workshop on macro, lighting, etc. Not exactly basic but not very advanced either. More of a discussion, q&a, etc.
Sounds like a nice "middle of the road" approach that everyone should be able to get something out of.

Me too, but I'lll need a note from the club to borrow my daughter's D80.

Guess I'm going to have to give her a macro lense for her birthday! ;D


depending on the date, I'd like to be part of this too... It's a never ending learning process :)