• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Thank you mnat and NikkiT

Since the old thread was lost with the rebuild of the db I just wanted to say thank to Mike and Nikki for having us at this months meeting. I am very greatful for all the help and frags that everyone gave me. I hope to be able to return the favors sometime.

Thank you again everyone.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Thanks Mike and Nikki. The house was beautiful, food was great and it was a great meeting. Tanks are looking good and I'm looking forward to following their grow out! Can't wait for your next one! :cool:


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Really sorry I couldn't make the meeting. The in-laws are about to move to South Carolina and they invited us for "the last supper". The hour and a half drive each way to the meeting would have prevented me from staying very long so I decided against it. I was really looking forward to seeing the new house and all your tanks, but I guess I'll have to make the next one.

Would love to see some pics if anyone took them at the meeting.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Yea a big thanks for having the meeting after just moving into that nice house. Good luck with it. Tanks look great too.

Bad Fish

Officer Emeritus
Thanks for having the meeting at your new house and for the food and drinks you supplied. Good Luck with everything


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Thank you to everybody that stopped in. We had a wonderful (and exhausting day) and it was good to see everyone. We will have to host again next year when our tanks have had some time to settle in. For those requesting pics, I will get some meeting ones up tomorrow or you can hit the Tale of the Tank and check out the pics I put up in the 57g and 45g thread.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Wow, this stinks. You had all those great “thank you” posts and they go and reload the forum, loosing all that good stuff. I think it’s a conspiracy. :eek: Anyway, thanks again for another great meeting….nice new house and FOUR tanks.


NJRC Honorary Member
NJRC Member
Nice house, nice folks, great meeting. Best of luck w/ the new place. May it be filled with many tanks.
