• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

The 55 is going bye bye.

Can I be added to the list Zippy? You're only 40 minutes away from me. If you need any help fragging stuff, or odds and ends brought (I.E. Plugs/Glue) let me know and I'll pick some up for you.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Just wanted to say great job for doing this Pete. It's members like you that give this club such a great name!
+1 Great offer and I like the way you spelled out the future selling of said frags!

FYI though, June 14th is going to be the club meeting down in Swedesboro at Tony & Terri's house. If anyone from the south is available to go to Pete's that day, you might rather go to the meeting instead because they always throw a good party! Dance
George, That's kind of sucky to steer any willing participants away from the man after you compliment him especially in his thread!...Sorry


Officer Emeritus
That is a wonderful offer, the pay it forward aspect is exactly the spirit of what this club and it's membership is all about. If I can assist in ant way let me know.
What time works best for you Pete?

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Was thinking of 11ish. Address is 730 Montgomery rd, hillsborough Nj 08844. Cell is 908-432-8229. Parking can be tricky so it is best you all may not come at once.lol please pm me so I have a head count.

I've had a few pm's, but I would like an idea of who is still coming tomorrow. Please pm me of you still plan to.
I'm going to bring the collection of books with me tomorrow for whomever was going to start the lending library


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Really cool thing you're doing Pete. Pretty bummed I can't make it. Wish you were closer. Have fun everyone
To those who stopped by thanks for reducing the tank, I hope the corals do well for you. Thanks Brian for your comment that I had the most sps in a 55 that he had ever seen. That means a lot to me!
Pete thanks you for being beyond generous for the frags and colony's. when its time to finally break down the 55 let me know to give a hand. Was nice putting faces to some of the members that i met today overall great time ,those who didn't make it miss out on the what I would call the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It's going to be a long night of glueing frags not sure what my favorite is yet ,sunny d's or strawberry shortcake. +1 you will never find another 55 with that much coral in it and I'm sure we will be saying the same thing about the 120 another year from now. Thanks again
Pete thanks for all the corals, you have made my Father's Day weekend. You have beautiful tanks and house. It was great meeting you. We had a fun time. Hope to see you at the next meeting. Have a great Father's Day.
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Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sweet mother of Neptune!!!

It was like letting a kid loose in a candy store.

Not a bad haul if I say so myself. Thanks again Pete!

If you were planning on coming today, but didn't, you really missed out!!

I did somehow get two Garf Purple Bonsai's, does someone have an extra Blue Slimer and who is missing a Garf?

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