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Thinking of returning to the hobby

Well, now that my son is almost 2 I am thinking about returning to the hobby. He really is interested in fish especially finding nemo. I want to stay on the smaller scale. I am leaning towards a RedSea Reefer 28g. Someone please talk me out of this lol..


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Hey Paul,

You're doooooooooommmmmeeed.
But you already know that.

I dropped from a 85g and a 90g to the nanos. I'm doing a number of IM nano tanks at the moment (10, 20, and 25). Each has a simple ATO, 2x50w heaters, upgraded media baskets, and the one with SPS has an upgraded pump, thats it.
All running great. I have a few 2g buckets I let fill and do a 2g water change 1x per week. If I have a concern I do a 5g change. Takes minutes. The hobby is no longer a chore.

There's a guy out in Medford (bout an hour away) selling a couple of AIO 12g tanks (with T5s in the hood) with stands for $150, though you can probably talk him down. Had I not had 3 tanks on the go atm I would have picked one up myself.

If you want to stop by and check the tanks out at any time, lemme know. I'm in Brick just off Jack Martin, near the hospital.



Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Glad to see you back, we are still here if you need any help. Good news is while you have been gone they found a cure for bryopsis so you don't have to worry about it any more. If you are posting this you know you want back in. We don't have any AOI kicking around but we have like a 30g tank that you can have.
I found a deal on a Red Sea reefer with pretty good accessories I am going to pick up. I might wait a bit longer before setting it up but it’s looking like I will be back. How is your tank doing? What is the Bryopsis cure?!?
BRS is doing a whole series on ULM reefs...and they make some good points. I personally love the 120 but a 60 cube would be a great economical size with enough volume to withstand changes.