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Thirty 5's Deep Blue Rimless!!

I am starting to upgrade from my current 28g JBJ LED. I only started that tank in June and it is already full. That tank will go to my daughter. So here goes.

I just got the actual tank today with stand...


I am using a 90 gal tank that I had in my basement from an old system as the sump. Yes it is large, but it was lying around, this will be used for sump/fuge. I am also planning to be able to do entire water changes from the sump. Sump is located in the basement and the way that it is setup there will be about 8-9 total feet of head. I will be drilling the tank and having 2 bulkheads, one in the skimmer area and one in the return area. This will enable to me almost drain the entire sump (minus the fuge section).


I then did a diagram with help from another reefer from another board.


Yesterday I got my RO/DI through a GB at BRS (through another forum)


I will also be running a single MP40 (yes there are 2 in the pic, one was for a friend)


Skimmer is being held by a friend for me, have to pick that up.
Reef Octo Internal SRO XP-2000 cone Skimmer


I also ordered 2 AI Sol's with the GB that is going on now. I will be making custom mounts for them after I get them.

The beauty of this system is that all the plumbing will be in the basement, so the noise will be low and all maintenance except for glass cleaning will be down there. I will have the RO set up with a couple of garbage pails one for FW and one for SW. I will also be getting a couple of reactors for GFO and Carbon.

I will keep everyong updated!
I am starting to upgrade from my current 28g JBJ LED. I only started that tank in June and it is already full. That tank will go to my daughter. So here goes.

I just got the actual tank today with stand...


I am using a 90 gal tank that I had in my basement from an old system as the sump. Yes it is large, but it was lying around, this will be used for sump/fuge. I am also planning to be able to do entire water changes from the sump. Sump is located in the basement and the way that it is setup there will be about 8-9 total feet of head. I will be drilling the tank and having 2 bulkheads, one in the skimmer area and one in the return area. This will enable to me almost drain the entire sump (minus the fuge section).


I then did a diagram with help from another reefer from another board.


Yesterday I got my RO/DI through a GB at BRS (through another forum)


I will also be running a single MP40 (yes there are 2 in the pic, one was for a friend)


Skimmer is being held by a friend for me, have to pick that up.
Reef Octo Internal SRO XP-2000 cone Skimmer


I also ordered 2 AI Sol's with the GB that is going on now. I will be making custom mounts for them after I get them.

The beauty of this system is that all the plumbing will be in the basement, so the noise will be low and all maintenance except for glass cleaning will be down there. I will have the RO set up with a couple of garbage pails one for FW and one for SW. I will also be getting a couple of reactors for GFO and Carbon.

I will keep everyong updated!

Wow some one well enjoy there new tank set up thing 1 lol opps did i say that out loud lol but anyways good luck on your set up man us posted ^_^


NJRC Member
Oh no! Not you here too!!!

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Ha!!!! That was pretty funny. Good to see you posting over here more (hopefully).

That's a really nice set up. Like the big sump a lot too. Just like cars, there's no replacement for displacement! Keep us updated!
Oh no! Not you here too!!!

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

Can you blame him though? Moderation on MR is quite oppressive-and people think RC is bad. It's like MR is a no fun zone, and the internet is always serious business!! Now back to the topic at hand. It looks like you will have a VERY nice set up! What are you planning to stock it with? Can't wait to see it up and running!
OK now who are you on MR???

I am going to do lps dominant tank. I am not into sps. But with the new light I can def put some. I may have couple PC's here or there. But I love zoas and blastos!!

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NJRC Member
I'm doing the same thing! I want to make my new tank 95% zoas. I have a Duncan and some Sun Corals that are going to be allowed to make themove but I think everything else is going elsewhere. I'm sure I will run across an SPS or 2 that I just have to have but, again like you, that's why I decided on the 2nd AI Sol.

Want to trade some zoos? lol
I'm doing the same thing! I want to make my new tank 95% zoas. I have a Duncan and some Sun Corals that are going to be allowed to make themove but I think everything else is going elsewhere. I'm sure I will run across an SPS or 2 that I just have to have but, again like you, that's why I decided on the 2nd AI Sol.

Want to trade some zoos? lol

What you got?? Remember I am only in a 28g now. So not much room. I have some plays I will have to get a pic of I think they are copper dusted or something. I have some lunar eclipses and also some tub blues

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NJRC Member
Like I said, if you like it let me know. Do you ever come down to OG or Red Sand? If so, let me know before you come next time and I can get some things together for you. If you dont, you should!!
OK now who are you on MR???

I am going to do lps dominant tank. I am not into sps. But with the new light I can def put some. I may have couple PC's here or there. But I love zoas and blastos!!

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

I am GluttonousGourami on MR. I'm a LPS guy too, I love me some frogspawns, hammers, Trumpets, and duncans etc. Although I am sort of moving towards prefering SPS, mostly because I love chalice, montipora, and millipora. When your new set up is ready, I can probably spare some LPS frags for you.
5 feet? So confused lol

Nice to see you on here too!

I will throw myself in as one of the Lps whores too.

Acans, chalices, blastos are my addiction and also hammers and maybe one day a scoly.

My tank is also small, but I may add a frag tank to let my corals grow out and do same tank like yours :p


NJRC Member
We're roommates. Well, technically I rent my room in his house. But I cook (very well I might add) and clean so I think we're even. His recliner is strategically placed directly between the 2. Even though his tank is 4 of mine, he secretly likes mine better and always stares at it.
Can't wait to see the end result. I got a 57 Rimless from AO during his sale. I was going to buy the 75g but decided not too. My tank will also be LPS only. I did not get the stand as it is to small and narrow. I built my own. It currently has water and sand. Now i'm fighting with cleaning the sand as every little movement of the sand, I get a sand storm.

Good luck.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Looks like the beginning of a great upgrade! Can't wait to see the updates.

One thing I noticed on your diagram... the sump section on the right says "return to DT" yet you have the middle section drilled with a bulkhead, heading to the return pump. Did you have a change of sump design and just not change the labeling? I'm guessing the section on the right will actually be the skimmer's section?
Looks like the beginning of a great upgrade! Can't wait to see the updates.

One thing I noticed on your diagram... the sump section on the right says "return to DT" yet you have the middle section drilled with a bulkhead, heading to the return pump. Did you have a change of sump design and just not change the labeling? I'm guessing the section on the right will actually be the skimmer's section?

Doh, Missed that. I had a different setup until I decided on that one. I just forgot to move the label. Yes the skimmer is going in the right section. The size of that section is not set yet as I want to have the skimmer in hand to set the size. I am actually going to drill both sections, it is not labeled in the pic. This will give me the ability to be able to basically drain the entire skimmer and return section for water changes. I do not wan to have to touch the DT to do water changes. I figure that buy the time that the DT drains when the pumps are turned off, I should have maybe 35 gallons in the sump. I will just open the valved to the 2 sections (the one to the skimmer section will obviously be closed unless doing a WC). Then off the pipe running up to the dt there will be a Tee with another valve that will pump directly into the slop sink.

Behind the sump there will be 2 garbage pails, one for FW and one for SW. I will just then pump the new SW into the sump at the correct level. This is all in my head, so will have to actually do it to make sure that it all works out!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
That's kind of what I figured you were going for.

Here's my suggestion for doing this:
Have both pipes from the bulkheads connect into a WYE (with a valve right at the bulkhead for the skimmer section) and then you can pump both sections down at once just by opening the skimmer section valve when you do your water changes. This would require you to also have the return pumps discharge piping valved and Tee'd off so you can divert the flow to the sink... but that would make water changes fast and easy for sure!