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Thirty 5's Deep Blue Rimless!!

Well today I plumbed the sump with the return pump, I have not plumbed the drain from the DT yet.

It looks like that there is alot going on....

Blue Line 50 piped into both the return section of the pump and the skimmer section (will only be used for water changes). All 1 inch plumbing with multiple valves, unions outside the pump on both sides.

From the pump goes up to the DT and then breaks off to a manifold with 3 valves.

One is for allowing for too much flow and to break it off and back into the skimmer section. I didn't want to put back into the return section and create bubbles.

The next 2 are for future use for reactors.

You will see on the right side another valve that will goto a hose to drain the sump for water changes. I will open both valves leading to the pump, and then close all the others which will then push all water to the slop sink for changes.

Yesterday I was able to get my rock work done, not only the sound of my angle grinder but the sound of snapping trees in the background.

Well here are some pics.

I took a piece of acrylic sheet and bent it to match the curve of the overflow. I created a jig out of wood to get the right shape. Then the shelves (supplied by ReefRocks.net) were cut to match the shape and then secured to the acrylic. They are very very secure and you will see small pieces of rock on the shelves to hold the vertical weight to the bottom. I plan on having my nicer zoa frags on these shelves and maybe even a few SPS even though I say I am not getting them!





Lookin good there. I like the rock work scape especially the rock glued on the overflow. Going barebottom I see definetly easier to storm tank.
Lookin good there. I like the rock work scape especially the rock glued on the overflow. Going barebottom I see definetly easier to storm tank.

Not going bare bottom... The tank is now in the garage.... I am going to do a sandbed...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I like the look of the rock work too. I only have one concern with it...

It doesn't look like there are a lot of hiding places for your fish. I don't know what kind or how many fish you plan to hold in there, but it looks like all they will have is a few places on the left rock pile, and maybe behind/under the right side pile.

I'd suggest maybe taking one of the sides and reversing the curve towards the front of the tank... and maybe make a wider pile of rocks with lots of crevices. Most fish like to find a nice crevice that they just barely fit into when the lights go out. Some even like to lay down sideways on the rocks and rest.

You can still have the nice shelf pieces for your corals. In fact, if you did it to the left side, all you would need to do is add a few more in the center and slant the pile up towards the mid-level shelf you have there. Put some bigger pieces on the bottom and a couple medium to small pieces on top. I know that will take away some of the sand bed area, but your fish will thank you for the additional hiding places. It will also give you a bit more top space to place corals too.

That's just a suggestion. You may be fine leaving it as is for now and just adding more later as you get more fish that need a new pad. ;)
I appreciate the comments. Pics sometimes are deceptive. But there are actually a lot of spots for my livestock to hide. But I do like your idea. I do have a couple more pieces of rock left.

Sent from my Piece of crap Sprint Epic
Very nice. Thats about 100lbs right. I was gonna get about 65lbs but I guess Im gonna add some. Love the shelf work, what did you use to attach the rock to acrylic? I can't wait to get mine going. I don't know if I can wait a couple more months.
I use silicone. But first I cut grooves in th acrylic and same on rock to help hold it. It is actually very secue

Sent from my Piece of crap Sprint Epic
I was hoping to have my lights today to actually be able to mount them. But they did not come in with the group buy, but I built the mounts anyway.

I used 3/4 electrical conduit, 3/4 pipe mounts, rubber leg covers (for chairs)

I first had to mount a new piece of wood at the outer ends of the back of the tank, then sprayed it black.

Drilled Holes for the brakcets, and put them on with wing nuts from the inside (painted them black on the outside)

I then bent 2 pieces of the conduit so they went over the tank from the back and then bent them again to go across the tank and meet in the middle. They were then sprayed black.

I used 2 rubber caps (used for chair legs) to cover the ends of the pipe, I cut the ends off so they only go around the pipe. This pipe will also serve as conduit for the wires for the lights.

After fine tuning they mounted very nicely. The benefit of mounting them this way is that I can actually move the whole unit up and down, just by loosening the wing nuts from the inside.

Now to just get the lights and actually mount them.




Get the stuff and bring to my house we can make it now that I got it down.

Sent from my Piece of crap Sprint Epic


NJRC Member
Just wondering one thing. You say you want to use the conduit to run the wiring. Is it big enough for the plugs to fit through?
Ohhhhhhhhh. Run the wire to the light. Not the plug to the socket.....duh.

HAHAHAH yes that is the plan. Actually I am not sure how long the cord actually is. We will see..

Not exactly sure how I will actually secure the lights to the mount yet....


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Looks great, and love the way you can move it up and down to adjust height! It's pretty stylish too.

Hopefully the wiring through the conduit works out for you.