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This will get people to the zoo.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Very interesting. I think if they pursue this they should be careful. De-extincting a single creature and caring for it under the protection of a zoo might be ok... but if they produce more than one, introduce them into the wild, and for some reason their "science" has some flaws in it, it could be a disaster. Even if they think they're reproducing a harmless dodo bird for example, who's to say they didn't screw up a gene or two and end up creating a predator instead?

I like the concept, I just don't know how "safe" it would be.
I think if they do reitroduce certain animals it should only be recently extinct ones. Like the once in the past 200 years due to over hunting.
I can't imagine a sabertooth tiger coexisting in todays ecosystems. I'm sure too many people would be killed as we'll as animals. I've seen too many bad scyfy movies on this subject lol. A dodo bird would be cool.though, even the mammoths and mastodons as they are relatively docile


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Wow just in time for the 20th anniversary of Jurassic park


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I can't imagine a sabertooth tiger coexisting in todays ecosystems. I'm sure too many people would be killed as we'll as animals. I've seen too many bad scyfy movies on this subject lol. A dodo bird would be cool.though, even the mammoths and mastodons as they are relatively docile

That's just my point though. What happens if they try to ressurrect a "docile" creature but they screw something up and it gets a gene that makes it a predator? Something as large and powerful as a mammoth could be a real problem.

And I'm with Mike on Kevin's comment. Sheesh, where did the time go?
Tech has come a long way, but realize if an extinct species or brought back the cost alone is daunting. Not to mention said groups then trying to patten said living creature and any owned part( fur, feathers, tusk etc) without lisencing agreement from said company would be a patten violation and result in fines.

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Am I the only one that noticed a trend in the reason most of those animals went extinct?
Woo Nice and superb work of the scientist which honor for the scientist that they bring back the extinct animal which i think not possible for the normal person that they bring back..I also watch the link and read out the story which is very interesting..