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Toby Puffer Question

I want to add a fish to my 40 gal pillar and was thinking of adding a Blue Spotted Toby. My question is will he leave my ChocChipStar alone or will he harass it?


Personally, my toby NEVER even cared about my star or any of my inverts. In fact, he'd pull up to my fire shrimp for a cleaning. It was a Valentini puffer.
How would they do with an eel(small)? I made the mistake of letting my little girl pick a friend for her monster choc chip star. I really want a puffer but if it will be a problem with an eel then I'll just leave well enough alone.
I can't speak to the eel, but I can tell you my blue spot Toby was fine with my shrimp, snails, and hermits (from 1997 to 2000- a long time ago I will admit)