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Toro Lawnmower...self-propelled is amazing!!! lol

So many of you know that I am far from a outdoors person. I grew up in NY in a building and my idea of home repair was asking the super to fix it.

Anyways for the past 6 years living in NJ I've been leaning on this second-hand craftman mower. it did the job but it was very hard to push the thing and I am by far probably the weakest guy around. Thought about getting another second-hand one but my buddys connection sold out all his mowers...drats.

So i went ahead and purchased a new toro self-propelled mower. I pulled the cord and the thing almost drove off without me...I immediately weakened my grip of the thing and it slowed down...awesome! I could mow the entire front/back and not even break a sweat because the thing is driving itself...although I guess I am burning less calories! lol.

Also - the handle bar is adjustable - so the thing can go into my garage without taking too much space. No more FIELD MICE nesting in my mower!!!! Omg what a pain they were last summer.

Long story short - whoever patented SELF PROPELLED, needs to be bronzed into a statue because short of having a mower I could sit in to drive, this thing is fantastic! LOL.

Here it is brand new in the box...before assembly.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Gee whiz, I thought I was behind the times still having a rotary phone, antennae tv and a true cell phone. Self propelled mowers have been available forever. Welcome to the 21[SUP]st[/SUP] century you city slicker. :eek:

If you’re looking for a little more exercise, come over and try that new fangled self-propelled mower on my lawn!


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Three years ago I picked up a Honda mower 3 speed and mulcher at a garage sale for $10.
It stalled out and ran rough. I took it a guy in town that fixes them. Needed a carburetor and $30 later up and running.
Total $40 and still runs but will probably get a new one this year as it tends to over heat now.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I have the same one and love it, takes me about 15 minutes to do my small yard.
Congrats on the new toy. I never let one in my house, the wife might make me use it. I gladly write a check every month to the landscaper. :)