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Tristian's Reef : 325 Gallon Build Prbly Flooding the Floor Again...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
everything is so neat and organized .looks like i need to spruce up !!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
rule #1 don't get floor wet
rule 2 no sleeping in tank
rule 3 tape and secure any water line I install


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Your videos are funny. Keep me coming bud. Can’t wait till it gets filled up
Woooo added salt!!!! Sand to follow shortly after !!


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So I’ve been struggling with a weird bacteria outbreak in my new display keeping the water extra cloudy. I think it’s because I used some pumps from my existing display and didn’t really wash them off before adding to my display to make salt water. I went ahead and added my UV sterilizer Jerry-rigged and inside of 48 hours the tank was crystal clear.

Now I can start my rock scape and water exchange from the old tank to the new tank.



I also picked up 2 Icecap 3k gyres and am running them at 100% to break them in. They have quieted down immensely.

I’m pretty impressed by the icecap 3k.

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Alright so rock work has been an absolute challenge with this tank. Right now I have been slowly popping corals off the rockwork and droping them to the sandbed while I move rocks out. I should have all the corals off the rock work and the rock work moved into the new display by this weekend.






I haven’t started arranging rocks in the new tank yet mostly concerned with moving then quickly but I have been playing around with a few pieces and I’m confident I won’t need to drill any rock.

Getting some height is my main concern but as it stands I’m thinking of 3 bommies that kind of fan out.

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Tristian's Reef: Moving Mountains Aquascaping the 350

In this episode I show off the "probably" final aquascape of the new tank. Aquascaping can be a daunting task especially without a goal in mind. However, taking my time and not being under pressure to transfer my critters made things a little more bearable. Undoubtedly things might change, or once corals start going in the tank might evolve. Until then I think I will stick with this rock work. Thanks for watching please like and subscribe!

It’s over!

The old tank is empty and all of my corals have been transferred out! A new video is coming tomorrow with the full update!

Here are some teasers! Also check me out on YouTube Tristian's Reef






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Thanks Diana!

Finally got a good shot of my newest addition to the reef. It’s singularly the most expensive fish I have ever purchased!


In addition I got rid of the following fish to my lfs. Unfortunately with this volume I can’t take a chance with fish on the fringe. So I waved goodbye to my

Potter’s Angel
Coral Beauty
2 Sixline Wrasses
Flame Angel
African Flameback
Pearly Scale Jawfish
Grey Headed Wrasse
Christmas Wrasse

The jaw fish and last 2 wrasses could have stayed but they were larger than I wanted. I was afraid that they would eat my shrimp. I’m going to get 1 bluestar leopoard wrasse male and 2 females and look forward to them being in my tank.

My last fish will be a pair of Flame Wrasses if I can find them.

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Figure I would throw these guys up here as well. I now have 10 of them in my tank. Easily the most active and attractive of all my dither fish!


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Tristian's Reef: 350 Update THE BEAST IS BORN Fish & Corals

Its been a little while since I showed an update of my new build. I finally felt comfortable that everything wouldn't die and shot some highlight footage.

In this episode I give a breakdown my my Cryptic Refugium, Plant some Mangroves and try out a cool feature of my Crystal Reef Aquatics sump. I'm excited to try growing these little trees in my sump and I hope that in addition to perhaps raising and keeping my PH high that they will extract and eat up any stray nutrients in the tank.

very interesting with the mangroves, I look forward to seeing how it works out for you! Since you are going the cryptic refugium route are you going to seed sponges as well?