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ULTRA LE Cheato For Sale 08840

for one whole penny. Just joking - it's free. But I made you look to see how much I was charging right? hahah.

Here's the lineage of this fantastic green macro algae:


That's it. LOL. ;D

As an added bonus you will be taking the nitrates that have been uptaked by my cheato out of my tank. :p But you'd be doing that no matter where you got the cheato.

Anyways - there's plenty here -let me know. Oh and there's nothing ultra or LE about it. I just thought it amusing to make up some names.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I have Ultra LE Nuclear hornet Spagethi chaeto. I can frag a strand or two, will need time to heal.
create your own threads you hijackers! hahah - this is a very very special lineage from jrwohler. He carefully attended to this batch personally with special incandescent light and his very own tang poop. ;D
Can I take it all and frag it into 1" pieces and sell it on eBay?

I also have some LE Atlantis Aquarium Coralline Algae if anyone's interested. It's the two-color morph.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You're going to have to work long and hard to come within 10k, lol!
After doing interceptor in my tank 3 months ago all my pods and brittle stars have dissapeared. Does this chaeto come with any life in it?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Always has pods in it and can sometimes have brittles in it, depending on where you get it. MikeM LE Chaeto is probably the best for that because he breeds brittles like nobody's business!