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UltraFkex PVC

Anybody know if this is available anywhere in central/south Jersey area?
I'm looking for 1" ultra flex.
Regular Spa Flex from big box stores wont cut it. Dont need much only about 5ft so I'm trying to find local begore I order a huge roll online

Thanks in advance

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Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
are you talking about the eshopps flex hose ?

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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
John, this is yours if it meets your needs....

I believe flex for 1 inch and for 1 1/2 inch standard fittings. This pic is of the stuff labeled 1 1/8, but that's a standard 1 inch PVC fitting on the end. You can see that it makes pretty tight turns, how it's rolled up in the box. Maybe 15- 20 feet of the stuff....please, take both boxes!

Flex Pipe Label.jpg

Flex Pipe.jpg
John, this is yours if it meets your needs....

I believe flex for 1 inch and for 1 1/2 inch standard fittings. This pic is of the stuff labeled 1 1/8, but that's a standard 1 inch PVC fitting on the end. You can see that it makes pretty tight turns, how it's rolled up in the box. Maybe 15- 20 feet of the stuff....please, take both boxes!

View attachment 22194

View attachment 22195

Thank you for the offer, however I hit Hidden Reef this morning and they had what I was looking for

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