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Upgrading to 40breeder..

I just finished the plumbing of the return pump and the oceans motion. I am currently filling the tank with water to do a wet run on it. Let’s hope it all works out and I have no leaks...oh I almost forgot the pics.



Well the transfer is complete. Unfortunately there was a disaster. After the acclimation of the corals and fish to the new tank, I was in the process of moving the skimmer and it happened. The skimmer pump fell and hit the old sump and bounces of that and also hit the new sump. What a mess about 15g of water on the basement floor. Thank god I had an extra tank. Drilled it all out and replaced it. All is well now. What do u guys/gals think...? i also added another mh light.





It does look great… looks like bare bottom, no sand bed anywhere… yes?? (Tang police – that’s funny ;D - photoshop them out next time..)

evoIX thanks, you have my contact info.
BobnKate, thank you. Yes its a BB. No sand at all anywhere. as for the Tangs there doing great, they eat like pigs (two cubes a day of frozen mysis and brine shrimp)
hey danny, i think I'm gonna do a 40 breeder at my new place in PA. You drilled the sides of the tank, do you know if it's possible to drill the back? I'm thinking of doing a closed loop system, no filtration, no overflow, no skimmer.