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VHO Ballast and harness questions urgent please help guys!


NJRC Member
Hey, my friend was nice enough to give me some vho endcaps wired together with a white connector on the end that goes into a ballast. His ballast was not working so thats why i have it now the ballast doesn't have any writing on it and looks exactly like this http://www.championlighting.com/product.php?productid=18834&cat=598&bestseller . since the ballast doesn't work i was going to get this http://www.aquacave.com/aro-vho-ballast-220w-85.html and somehow open up the old ballast casing and swap each other out. Does anyone know if this ballast from aqua cave has the white connectors on them that go into the connector harness from the vho end caps and wires section. Please anyone who has ever done this before please help. I dont wanto buy the ballast then learn that i need to go on a wild goose chase to get it to work and spend a ton of money.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The one from Aquacave looks to be just the ballast. No housing, power cord or quick disconnect housing. You could always call them to clarify but that is how it appears to me. That would also explain the low price.


NJRC Member
see what im wondering is i have the thing that looks liek the champion lighting can i just rip that open disconnect and cut the old ballast out and put the new one it soldering the power wires- what i dont get is how can they see a ballast with out that white connector piece when i cant seem to find any store that sells connector pieces- so you would think it has to be ont here right? just not in the pic.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The sell them that way because some folks just direct wire the ballast to the end caps and add their own power cord. They sell the assembled ones for folks that either aren't inclined to wire their own, or just don't want to be bothered by it.

I'm not sure if there is a way to open the case without damaging it. But if you get it open it shouldn't be hard to just wire in a new ballast. Folks do it with MH ballasts all the time.


NJRC Member
matt or anyone do you have a vho setup with ballast and wiring that you can take a pic of for me- because i have 4 bulb endcap setup my friend said he used to just unplug 2 bulbs so only 2 would stay on. in the middle of all the wires that are connecting all 8 end caps there is a quick release connector. if i was to buy the 40 dollar ballast can anyone help me out with how to wire the thing or set em up? 19 years old and dont want to be the one for burning down the house