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Vikki's Nano

Vikki said:
a candy tip anemone

is this your description or what the LFS sold it to you as? good luck with it. It's against my better judgement to encourage new tanks with anemones. Keep an eye on it just like you'd watch your scallop or fish. It is an animal (though your mind may think it's a plant that doesn't move) that requires good lighting and nice meals. Worst case scenario it starts moving and gets shredded by your pump, or stops on your heater and gets cooked.
This is what it was sold to me as. I had one before (candy tip) but the tentacles were long. This one has very short, bulbous tentacles and it seems to be fine. The damsels actually clean food off it and it hasn't moved since I placed it last week, and it looks happy and healthy. Also got some nice bird's nest from HerbiK at the meeting and it looks real nice. Was worried I didn't have enough light, but I have it all pretty high up and it opened up nicely once the lights went out, so again...looks happy to me. We shall see.
The white color is what is troublesome to me. In the wild, anemones are not all white and it's a sign of an animal that has lost all of it's symbiotic algae. When you touch the tentacles - are they "sticky"? sticky tentacles are a good sign of some health in the anemone.

Of course it helps to have a good identification of the anemone. I've never heard of a candy tip anemone. It sounds like you have a condylactis (pink tip anemone). However the bulb-like tentacles makes me think bubble tip anemone. But there are certainly no BTAs that are white.

Perhaps someone with more experience with anemones can chime in.

btw your fish look like they are having a private conversation when you snapped that pic. ;D
I'll try to get a better pic of it, but yes, it's sticky and is communing well with the others in the tank. Maybe it's no anemone at all... ??? And yes, I think they were conspiring against me. I know the rest of the animals in the house already do. LOL
OK, here's a pic from front and side. Cool that it wedged itself in the corner against the glass so you can see it from the back. Really cool to look at up close. So what is it?

The guy at the LFS said it was a candylactus, we stopped by there tonight. Have to do some research and see if he is correct.
Did my first major water test now that we have them all. Here are my results:

Temp 78.7
Salinity 1.026
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
pH 8
PO4 1
Calcium 440
Alkalinity 4.91
Mg 1200
KH 13.8
OK, at the behest of a few of you, I went out and bought a protein skimmer for my nano. I got the cyclone I think its called. Looks like a water tornado inside? Took some doing getting it onto the tank as its only 13" x 13" and the pump already takes up much of the back of the tank. Bryan ended up having to saw off a part of the plastic skirt at the top to get it to fit.

Works fine, but after a week, I still can't seem to get rid of the tiny bubbles it's putting off. The instructions say to play with the air intake to minimize it and that it would take some time to get the air out of the system, but it's not happening. The bubbles aren't bad, mind you, just not pleasing to the eye. The unit is seated properly, at the right height and such, and it is working properly as scum is already building up in the cup, so I have no idea how to fix the issue. Any idea how to correct this?
Oh, and Bryan gave me his maroon clown, who immediately hosted the mystery anemone. Both look happy and healthy. Oh, and my fire scallop is thriving still as well. ;D