• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Volunteers for RAP 2018


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Hi Marcus, I am planning Saturday and Sunday to attend. I committed to Sunday afternoon, but as long as we get a little wondering time. I am good for Sunday all day. Please just confirm if you are counting me for a Sunday Voluntter!
yup, i have you down for Sunday

And yes you will have plenty of walking around time. Just let one of us know and we will swap out


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Just a reminder,

RAP 2018 is only 10 days away and we still could use some extra hands on deck for Friday and Sunday. If interested please let me know


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
RAP is 1 week away guys! If anyone else would like to volunteer on either day, please let me know


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
As early as possible, the doors open at 11am so preferably around 9am

This will also give you some time to walk around to check out the place


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
We'll all meet in the front around 9am before the doors open. I'll be sending out msgs about this when we get closer to the date


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I wanted to help and meet everyone, but I have to get a procedure for my herniated discs on Friday. It all depends how I'm feeling on Saturday if I can even make it :(

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Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Monday Bump

Volunteers for Friday will need to be at the event at/around 12-noon until the "welcome" bags are complete. We can meet in-front of the expo center and go from there. RAP staff shirts are not required for this day.

For anyone that is planning on coming after 12-noon, please contact me so that i can know when to expect you. You can call me at 917.498.3472.

Saturday and Sunday, we can meet infront again, but at 9am instead before the event opens. Our roles will be: watching the doors, checking for bracelets, giving out "welcome" bags, helping with wristbands, watching over the raffle area and helping with the volunteer lunches. RAP staff shirts will be provided for folks working on either day, but please come early as it may be difficult to get you suited up when the madness starts.

The NJRC booth will be #526 so folks will have the opportunity to swap out from other posts to the booth if you'd like. Volunteers will have plenty of time to walk around, eat, shop, take a break etc. Just let us know so that we can cover your spot.

*If you are planning to participate in any of the raffles, You will need to remove your RAP staff shirt beforehand. It would be a good idea to wear a non-staff shirt underneath so that you can quickly swap out for the raffles. Also, if you are planning on storing items at our booth, just know that we will not be responsible for any personal items. We will have a ton of RAP related stuff there, so please make sure to keep an eye out for your belongings.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Wednesday Bump

Scroll up for more info. Also any last minute interest in volunteering, please me know. Free entry on “work” days


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
I will be there Saturday but I cannot get there before 11 AM. Not sure if that helps.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member

I need to know shirt sizes. They are providing RAP tee shirts but I’m going to assume they are not one size fits all