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Wading carefully into the waters.... 30G Cube

Here's a pic.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Bryan, the first year of a saltwater tank is like riding a roller coaster. There are ups and downs and even screaming involved. You will go through hair algae, diatoms, pestilence and cyanobacteria......well maybe not the pestilence. It’s just the progression of things and the test of whether or not you can handle the ups and downs of this hobby. Stick with it, you’ll get through it.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Bryan, the first year of a saltwater tank is like riding a roller coaster. There are ups and downs and even screaming involved. You will go through hair algae, diatoms, pestilence and cyanobacteria......well maybe not the pestilence. It’s just the progression of things and the test of whether or not you can handle the ups and downs of this hobby. Stick with it, you’ll get through it.

Amen to that....
Ok, this is very surprising to me. This photo was taken only ONE HOUR LATER! Talk about a roller coaster all right!

I'm gonna follow your advice and just ride it out.

It's the natural progression of a reef tank, so just ride it out. If you try and fight it you'll end up getting frustrated and quiting the hobby. You'll see a lot of people posting to beginers to "take it slow". That just means don't stock your tank to fast and try to avoid the temptation of supplements and chemicals at this point.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
THe pressure atos are the best. Float switches can fail, I have been using the pressure ones for over 1.5 years with no worries.
Are you referring to the elos ato. I'm using a float type for over a year but can see how it can fail. I am looking to upgrade soon.
Ethan at AO said to get a Tsunami ATO system (at least I think that's what he said). It's cheaper than the tunze osmolator I was going to get. Now that I have some more endorsements on pressure ATO's I'll go back and get it. Thanks!
Fluorescent Algae??

Every day I'm fascinated by the new things I see or learn about this tank.

Today's source of amazement is the myriad of glowing red particles flowing about the tank, some sort of algae I presume? Not sure what it is, but it sure is amazing to look at :)

This was definitely the hobby for me!
Not to throw a wrench in your decision on the ATO, but I'm using the autotopoff.com dual float switch ATI and absolutely love it. I would check them out.
Are you testing? What kits are you using?
Looks like diatoms or cyano. What is your phosphates at? Are you using a reactor or cheating in your sump?
I'm using "5 in 1 test strips". I don't have a phosphate test kit, reactor, or chaeto. I am using phosguard in my filter sock. I picked up a salifert calcium test kit which I'll try tonight.


In the past week I've done (2) 15 gallon water changes. 15 gallons of pre-mix from AO and 15 from Fengs Reef. If that matters.
That is quite a bit of water changes for a 30g tank.
Relax. 3-6g per week is plenty.
There is nothing wrong with allowing the tank to cyle.
I wouldn't mix from different stores either cause they may not be using the same salts which could cause swings in parameters..
Fengs new shop is only a few blocks away from me so that makes that choice pretty easy :)

Apprently my KH is low, 6 to 6.5, is normal during cycling? I was hoping the water changes would help that too.

Thanks for the advice. I'll slow things down a bit.