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Warehouse sale


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
How much did you buy blotchies for? ReefPro was doing 3 for $399 a couple weeks ago which was the best I’d seen.
Yea I saw that but I don't want to risk the one I have now. I've had him since he wS about 0.5 inches and now he's about 2".


NJRC Member
Well I guess I spoke to soon. The chromis all seem to be kicking the bucket. All other fish seem really healthy and eating idk what happened to chromis.

Since no corals in treating with kana and metro

Jamie S

NJRC Member
I spoke too soon as well. I left on Friday afternoon for a weekend trip and came back Sunday night to the orange shoulder tang dead and stuck to the powerhead.


NJRC Member
The loss continues man, lost the wrasse along with all chromis.

I initially thought wrasse just had a mucus coat from shipping but I guess he has something going on.

All fish I had prior in tank are still doing great, hopefully that remains the case.


NJRC Member
Everything from my warehouse sale order is doing great,even with 90 degree water from FedEx losing my box.
Sorry to hear about the losses

Jamie S

NJRC Member
All of the fish i had prior are doing great as well, including the other 3 fish i received. Fingers crossed there's no more losses.