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Water prep?

I have read most of you with more experience than myself have almost a ritual to making your water. I see most of you use ro/di and mix in salt(this i get) then you let it sit for 24 hours with a powerhead (why) then heat and serve?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Some of the minerals included in your salt are slow dissolvers. The powerhead provides the circulation to assist in dissolving these minerals. You can also throw in a heater so that the water is at the proper temp when you add it to your tank, as well as when you test it, since temp affects the reading.
Boy you got that right. Mine's definitely a ritual. ;D
The same day I'm done with my water change, I refill the trash can I use to make more salt water with fresh RO/DI water. The trash can contains a Tunze powerhead and a heater. The next day I add the saltmix. 2 days later I check the salinity and adjust as necessary. The day before the water change I re-test the salinity, and 6 hours before the water change I remove the lid completely to aerate the water, which raises the pH.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
JerseyWendy said:
Boy you got that right. Mine's definitely a ritual. ;D
The same day I'm done with my water change, I refill the trash can I use to make more salt water with fresh RO/DI water. The trash can contains a Tunze powerhead and a heater. The next day I add the saltmix. 2 days later I check the salinity and adjust as necessary. The day before the water change I re-test the salinity, and 6 hours before the water change I remove the lid completely to aerate the water, which raises the pH.

...and then she hops on one foot while patting her head! ;D

No way - you told me you placed your right hand over your head and rotated clockwise and your left hand over your stomach counter-clockwise.
Hawkeye said:
No way - you told me you placed your right hand over your head and rotated clockwise and your left hand over your stomach counter-clockwise.

Well that's easy....it only requires the use of my hands. ;)