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I just picked up 2 Koralia 3's for a steal from somebody on Craigslist... I want to add more flow to my 27 gallon cube... Once I plugged them both in it seems pretty crazy in there... Is this to much flow.. Should I just be using one? I have SPS and LPS...
If there is a sandbed in there that is blowing around, you better try just one. If your tank is barebottom and the water is staying in the tank, Let 'em flow!
I do have a sandbed which started blowing around but I was able to direct them so that they didnt blow to much sand around... Everything seemed to close up a little when I plugged them both in but I am sure they just got a little caught off guard with the new blast of flow... They were used to 2 little nanos
froom what I've seen, Frogspawn isn't a huge fan of a lot of flow. Unless it's a bigger colony. Then it's like leaves on a tree it almost buffers itself, if that makes sense. I would think that the others should be fine though.