• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself


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Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Welcome to Coral and Eddie!
Fung and I have met and he now is continuing the 2.5g build!
JG, in Brick myself off Jack Martin near Ocean Med.
Also, check the for sale forum, Nyte is selling a bunch of tanks including a 90 with stand (and a 40b for a sump), and a hob overflow...
and see you saw Diana's post already.
I should be making the meet this month, look forward to meeting any new folk that can make it.
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Hi, I'm Tom. I have a freshwater aquarium, not a reef system. I'm knowledgeable with freshwater aquariums and ponds, and perhaps I'll get involved with a saltwater reef system one day. I'm most interested in the visual aesthetic of aquariums and ponds, and the education to achieve creating and maintaining a healthier environment for aquatic life.

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Hi, I'm Tom. I have a freshwater aquarium, not a reef system. I'm knowledgeable with freshwater aquariums and ponds, and perhaps I'll get involved with a saltwater reef system one day. I'm most interested in the visual aesthetic of aquariums and ponds, and the education to achieve creating and maintaining a healthier environment for aquatic life.

Welcome @TomRoach
Hi, I'm Tom. I have a freshwater aquarium, not a reef system. I'm knowledgeable with freshwater aquariums and ponds, and perhaps I'll get involved with a saltwater reef system one day. I'm most interested in the visual aesthetic of aquariums and ponds, and the education to achieve creating and maintaining a healthier environment for aquatic life.
Well there is a lot to learn in a saltwater aquarium. In fact, it is usually better to spend time becoming familiar with the fish, corals, and chemistry before you start. You don't have to own one to enjoy them. I always went to aquariums (Mystic, Coney Island, Jenkinson's, Camden Adventure, The National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maui Ocean Center, the San Francisco Aquarium of the Bay, Atlantic City Aquarium ...) long before I started my own, which was meant to be a learning aquarium. They are a great place to learn about the diversity of ocean life. Plus there are great videos on line like The Reef Life of the Anderman.
What’s up everyone, my name is Justin. I lived in N.J. all my life and recently moved to Georgia. Since being here my cousin has gotten me into the hobby and i aquired a 60 cube. Due to unforeseen circumstances I’m moving back to New Jersey. I’m looking for some help with locating a fish store in Bergen county as well as some local hobbyists who are close. Any help is appreciated!

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
What’s up everyone, my name is Justin. I lived in N.J. all my life and recently moved to Georgia. Since being here my cousin has gotten me into the hobby and i aquired a 60 cube. Due to unforeseen circumstances I’m moving back to New Jersey. I’m looking for some help with locating a fish store in Bergen county as well as some local hobbyists who are close. Any help is appreciated!
First welcome

Second there some old thread that list some LFS and where they are. I will try and find it and post a link here