• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

Hey all...I feel like I'm late to the party!

Born & raised in Central NJ...I've been into salt water tanks for about 10 years...always having a nice healthy reef tank or two going. When we purchased our current house, I changed to a Red Sea Max S500, which ran great for a few years. Due to a lifestyle change 15 months ago I did below minimum maintenance & my tank suffered. Thankfully I'm back in! Just did a major clean up, finally hung my AI Hydra 52's, built a new algae scrubber, and I'm looking forward to a nice, healthy tank and participating here!
Hey this is Coralcruze... I have been in the hobby for 20 years, so I am sure i met some of you and since most of my family resides in NJ I figured why not hang out at their forum. Besides you guys stole NYreef-a-paluza ;)
Hi, I'm Derrick. I'm from Somerset county. I've had my 75 gallon saltwater tank for about 12 years. Before that I had many freshwater tanks and a koi pond. I used to have a bunch of soft corals but I got busy with school and I spent less time on my tank for a couple of years. I got some new LEDs this year and now I'm ready to get back into it. I was at Feng's Reef earlier this month and he recommended I check out the group!


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Hi, I'm Derrick. I'm from Somerset county. I've had my 75 gallon saltwater tank for about 12 years. Before that I had many freshwater tanks and a koi pond. I used to have a bunch of soft corals but I got busy with school and I spent less time on my tank for a couple of years. I got some new LEDs this year and now I'm ready to get back into it. I was at Feng's Reef earlier this month and he recommended I check out the group!
Welcome @Mac , post up a tank thread with pix. Our next club meet is going to be at Fengs by coincidence
@trio91 Feng mentioned that he's hosting something in October. I'll look out on the announcements thread for when it's going to be. I'd love to come if I can make it!